[PDF] Siemens 6.0 MW Offshore Wind Turbine - Free Download PDF (2024)

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Published by and copyright © 2011: Siemens AG Energy Sector Freyeslebenstrasse 1 91058 Erlangen, Germany Siemens Wind Power A/S Borupvej 16 7330 Brande, Denmark www.siemens.com/wind For more information, please contact our Customer Support Center. Phone: +49 180 524 70 00 Fax: +49 180 524 24 71 (Charges depending on provider) E-mail: [emailprotected] Wind Power Division Order No. E50001-G310-A186-X-7600 Printed in Germany Dispo 34804 c4bs No. 7491 MCS 11.11.1 Printed on elementary chlorine-free bleached paper. All rights reserved. Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of Siemens AG, its affiliates, or their respective owners. Subject to change without prior notice. The information in this document contains general descriptions of the technical options available, which may not apply in all cases. The required technical options should therefore be specified in the contract.

Turbina Sapiens in its natural habitat

Siemens 6.0 MW Offshore Wind Turbine


Sapiens /sæp.i.enz/ (present participle from the latin. sapere) to have sense, to be wise, to know Turbina (genus) Sapiens (species)

Turbina Sapiens A different breed of wind turbine The Siemens 6.0 MW offshore wind turbine redefines the wind industry standards for leanness, robustness and lifecycle profitability. Based on Siemens Direct Drive technology, the 6.0 MW turbine has 50% fewer moving parts than comparable geared machines and a towerhead mass of less than 350 tons. This unique combination of robustness and low weight significantly reduces infrastructure, installation and servicing costs, and boosts lifetime energy output. Incorporating the aggregate intelligence of Siemens, the 6.0 MW offshore wind turbine thinks for itself. It constantly manages its own operating load helping it remain within

its design criteria irrespective of the conditions. Its advanced diagnostics system provides comprehensive real-time performance data and service requirements and will keep track of lifetime use and its overall asset condition. Even its user interface is clear and intuitive. It is no coincidence that a product of this simple beauty and intelligence has been created by Siemens. We are world leaders in offshore wind power, with over 20 years of experience.

Lean, robust and reliable technology

Lean The Siemens 6.0 MW turbine is based on proven Siemens direct drive technology, offering the simplest and most straightforward wind turbine design. Replacing the main shaft, gearbox and high-speed generator with only a low-speed generator eliminates two-thirds of the conventional drive train arrangement. As a result, the number of rotating and wear-prone parts is vastly reduced, and a Siemens direct drive wind turbine has 50% fewer parts than a comparable geared machine. Crucially important in offshore applications, of course, is that maintenance requirements drop accordingly.

As a rule, the weight of large wind turbines has grown disproportionately to increases in power rating. The Siemens 6.0 MW wind turbine has conclusively broken the trend: with a towerhead mass of less than 60 tons per MW the 6.0 MW wind turbine is genuinely lean. This new low-weight standard for offshore wind turbines offers significant cost benefits in terms of substructure requirements, shipping and installation, all made possible by the use of Siemens’ tried and tested direct drive technology.



Benefiting from our unique offshore experience, the 6.0 MW direct drive wind turbine is designed to exploit the broadest range of offshore environmental conditions.

The Siemens 6.0 MW wind turbine is designed not merely to continue, but to enhance, the legendary reliability of Siemens wind turbines.

Designed to IEC 1 Standards, the 6.0 MW turbine can be deployed in any known offshore location. The structural capacity of all components is verified by full-scale testing, and Highly Accelerated Lifetime Tests on all main components and the complete nacelle demonstrate their robustness.

Simple and robust, the direct drive technology offers the best possible basis for high reliability.

The entire turbine design is dedicated to offshore application. All external surfaces and systems feature offshore-grade corrosion protection, and the completely enclosed nacelle is fitted with internal climate control.

The rotor blades combine both lightness and strength through single-cast Siemens IntegralBlade® production. The nacelle, housing every part of the power system, forms a self-contained unit delivering medium voltage power to the wind farm grid. As a result the turbine can be fully pre-commissioned onshore, leaving only final connection to be performed after installation. Finally, with the extra nacelle space repurposed as an on-site workshop complete with crane and coffee machine, the maintenance process has been reinvented too.

SWT-6.0-120 for maximum versatility Swept area 11,500m2 Can be applied to the same foundation as the SWT-3.6-120 Suitable for environments where maximum tip height restrictions apply, even onshore

Mould for the B75 Quantum Blade

A choice of blades 120m rotor for tip height restricted locations

IntegralBlade® technology

The 120 m rotor, standard equipment with the Siemens 3.6 MW offshore workhorse, also allows the 6.0 MW turbine to be installed in locations where air traffic regulations make it difficult or impossible to exceed a maximum tip height of 150 m.

Both the 120m and 154m rotors use blades manufactured with Siemens’ unique, patented IntegralBlade® technology.

154m rotor for maximum energy yield The 154m rotor, designed specifically for the Siemens 6.0 MW turbine, has a swept rotor area of 18,600m2. It therefore maximizes energy yield at offshore locations, from inland waters with moderate wind resources to the most exposed offshore sites.

Instead of glueing the blades together from a number of spars and shells, they are cast in a single process. This not only enables both low weight and enormous strength, there are no glue joins which could potentially expose the blades to cracking and lightning damage. The aerodynamic and structural design of the blade for the 154m rotor is based on Siemens’ Quantum Blade technology, incorporating unique airfoil profiles and redesigned tip and root sections. The root section uses Siemens “flatback” profiles to minimize root leakage and provide higher lift. The tip has also undergone a fine-tuning process to enhance lift. As a result, Quantum Blades offer superior performance in a wide range of wind speeds.

SWT-6.0-154 for maximum output Swept area 18,600m2 Rated power at a wider range of wind speeds Quantum blade technology

To know

To learn

To sense

The Siemens 6.0 MW wind turbine represents all the brainpower of the world’s most experienced offshore wind turbine supplier – and more.

Adding to the combined knowledge gained from fieldtesting a vast fleet of multi-megawatt offshore wind turbines, Siemens continually strives to acquire in-depth understanding of every element in the wind turbine system.

On top of its knowledge-based and robust technology foundation, the 6.0 MW turbine cleverly exploits an extensive list of proven and new Siemens innovations, including:

Fundamental to this process is rigorous testing of components and complete systems. At our R&D headquarters in Brande, Denmark, our test facility makes it possible to verify the structural capacity of every component. The facility even enables Highly Accelerated Lifetime Tests on the complete nacelle, simulating 25 years of real life through 3-6 months of overload operation. This process ensures that Siemens’ legendary quality runs through every component of our wind turbines.

Superior grid compliance

The overall 6.0 MW turbine design is based on highlyproven technology. All the classical virtues of Siemens turbines have been retained – ample dimensioning of main components, redundant safety systems, and details designed with the best engineering practices. The ground-breaking IntegralBlade® and direct drive technologies have been deployed in the field for years, and many core components are directly linked to turbines produced in large volumes. The main elements of the generator are scaled-up versions of their 3MW forebears. The converters are identical: the bigger machine simply uses two 3MW converters side by side. Utilizing Siemens’ standard marinisation technologies, most of which were developed for the world’s first offshore wind farm at Vindeby, Denmark, in 1991, the turbine’s environmental protection makes it eminently suited to the most severe offshore conditions

As more wind power enters the grid, there is a greater onus on wind turbine manufacturers to meet stringent grid stability requirements. The Siemens NetConverter® system used by the 6.0 MW is designed for maximum flexibility in each wind turbine’s response to voltage and frequency variations, fault ride-through capability, and output adjustment. The grid compatibility of Siemens turbines sets the benchmark for the wind industry, and the advanced wind farm control system provides stateof-the-art fleet management. Siemens WebWPS SCADA system The 6.0 MW is equipped with the Siemens WebWPS SCADA system. Via a standard web browser, the system provides a variety of status views of electrical and mechanical data, operation and fault status, meteorological and grid station data. Turbine Condition Monitoring (TCM®) Siemens’ unique Turbine Condition Monitoring system compares the vibration levels of the main nacelle components with a set of established reference spectra and instantly detects deviations from normal operating conditions. This allows Siemens to proactively plan the service and maintenance of the wind turbines, as any unusual event can be categorized and prioritized based on severity.

Turbine Load Control (TLC) The Turbine Load Control system continuously monitors the structural loading on the wind turbine. In case the loads exceed normal values, e.g. as the consequence of extreme meteorological conditions, the turbine automatically regulates operation to bring loads back within the design envelope. In addition, the TLC system monitors the accumulated fatigue loading on the turbine, thereby providing key input for fact-based asset management. High Wind Ride Through (HWRT) Wind turbines are normally programmed to shut down if the 10-minute mean wind speed exceeds 25 m/s. This may lead to severe challenges for the grid system if the turbines in large offshore wind farms are shut down more or less simultaneously, e.g. at the passage of a gust front. The Siemens 6.0 MW turbine enhances grid stability with its High Wind Ride Through system, which replaces the fixed-threshold high wind shutdown with an intelligent load-based reduction in output power at very high wind speeds.

Added efficiencies in logistics, pre-commissioning and installation

Further improvements in safety Safety is at the heart of all Siemens operations. From production, through installation, operation, and service, Siemens strives to set the standard. Wind turbine design evolution is affecting far more than just the design itself. The Siemens 6.0 MW turbine’s manufacturing, assembly and installation processes are prepared with genuine industrialization in mind, creating a scalable production model that will reduce both delivery times and costs throughout the value chain.

A modular nacelle arrangement will reduce onshore port assembly requirements dramatically. And with the entire electrical system – including the medium voltage system and the full converter – included in the nacelle, pre-commissioning testing can be carried out at quayside, reducing offshore work to a minimum.

Onshore pre-commissioning and testing significantly reduce the amount of work that needs to be done in riskier offshore conditions. While the simplified direct drive concept in itself reduces service requirements, offshore maintenance has been completely rethought.

Service technicians can enter the turbine via the helihoist platform or via conventional tower access, where a new gangway system enables safer access at rough sea conditions. The spacious nacelle, housing far fewer parts than usual, provides technicians with safe and easy access to all key components.

The world’s first wind farm at Vindeby, Denmark. Installed by Siemens in 1991. The turbines in this project are still running today

Siemens Wind Power – the offshore leader The world is seeing a dramatic increase in the nature and scope of offshore wind power plants. As larger projects head farther out to sea, the reliability of the wind turbine is paramount. Given the logistical challenges of offshore projects, where even the smallest issue can amplify costs, having technology that performs to order under some of the harshest operating conditions on the planet is crucial. With good reason, Siemens is the obvious first choice for assured delivery of high-performing technology. From the very beginning, the company has been the undisputed leader in offshore wind power, and remains so today. Landmark projects include the world’s first offshore wind farm at Vindeby, Denmark. Installed in 1991, the 11 turbines in this project are still operating today. The first offshore wind farm using multi-megawatt turbines was also delivered by Siemens. Installed in 2000 in a single arc off Copenhagen, the 20 turbines of the Middelgrunden project remain the iconic symbol of the offshore wind industry. For many years the 165MW Nysted offshore wind farm, installed in 2003, held the record as the world’s largest offshore project, a record only broken in 2009 by our

200MW Horns Rev II project. The 1GW London Array project, currently being developed, will once again redefine the capabilities of offshore wind power and pave the way for green energy to become the cornerstone of the global energy mix. Not surprisingly, all of these projects are delivered by Siemens. With over 2GW of installed offshore capacity, the Siemens offshore organisation has deservedly earned the reputation for having the deepest experience and world class project management capabilities. No wonder, then, that despite the immense challenges of installing and commissioning offshore wind farms, every offshore project undertaken so far by Siemens Wind Power has been delivered on time and within budget. Our infrastructure capabilities are no less proven. Siemens has a wealth of experience of building and integrating substations for national grids and is the only company to have designed, built and delivered offshore substations of up to 500 MW. And with our dynamic modelling of wind turbine arrays and grid connections through our Power Technologies International (PTI) teams, we lead in dealing with unknowns at the beginning of a project, rather than during it.

The installation of a 6.0MW wind turbine onshore

Technical Specifications SWT-6.0-154 Rotor


Type 3-bladed, horizontal axis Position Upwind Diameter 154 m Swept area 18600 m² Speed range 5-11 rpm Power regulation Pitch regulation with variable speed Rotor tilt 6 degrees



Yaw system

Type Self-supporting Blade Length 75 m (B75) Aerodynamic profile NACA63.xxx, FFAxxx Material GRE Surface gloss Semi-gloss,

[PDF] Siemens 6.0 MW Offshore Wind Turbine - Free Download PDF (2024)


How big is a 6 MW wind turbine? ›

Thanks to its 150-meter diameter rotor (with blades stretching 73.50m), the Haliade 150-6MW offshore turbine can supply power to the equivalent of about 5,000 European homes. Currently, this 6 MW offshore wind turbine is powering tens of thousands of homes in Germany as well as the state of Rhode Island.

What is the largest offshore wind turbine in Siemens Gamesa? ›

Siemens Gamesa's SG 14-236 DD is one of the most powerful wind turbines in the world, with an output of 14 megawatts (MW) and a rotor diameter of 236 meters (774 feet). It has a swept area of 43,500 sq m (468,230 sq ft).

What is the highest power output possible from an offshore wind turbine? ›

7.5 MW turbines are the largest today with blades about 60 metres long – over half the length of a rotor diameter of over 120 metres – longer than a football field. 15 MW turbines are planned and 20 MW turbines are considered to be theoretically possible.

What is the world's longest wind turbine blade by Siemens? ›

Siemens has produced the first batch of its new 75 m long wind turbine rotor blades, which it claims are the world's longest.

What is the largest offshore wind turbine in the world? ›

Mingyang already has the world's largest offshore wind turbine in operation at a wind farm – the MySE 16-260 model which was commissioned in July offshore China.

How many megawatts of wind per acre? ›

In terms of direct use, the average power output of a wind farm is about 0.4 MW per acre. When the total land area of the wind farm is accounted for, the average power output is about 0.012 MW per acre.

How much does a Siemens Gamesa wind turbine cost? ›

Eickholt presented slides at Siemens Energy's capital markets day that showed average selling prices for onshore wind turbines of 0.8 million euros ($855,760) per megawatt hour in 2017, which dropped to 0.67 million in 2021.

Which country has the most offshore wind turbines? ›

As of 2022, the total worldwide offshore wind power nameplate capacity was 64.3 gigawatt (GW). China (49%), the United Kingdom (22%), and Germany (13%) account for more than 75% of the global installed capacity.

What is the new project of Siemens Gamesa? ›

Siemens Gamesa has been mandated to develop India's first large commercial hybrid wind-solar project, where a 28.8-MW solar facility will be connected to an existing 50-MW wind farm.

How much do you get paid to have a wind turbine on your land in the UK? ›

On average, a small domestic wind turbine that produces about 2,600 kWh annually could expect to earn: At the lowest rate of 1p per kWh: £26 per year. At a moderate rate of 12p per kWh: £312 per year. At the highest rate of 27p per kWh: £702 per year.

What is the lifespan of a wind turbine? ›

The expected service life of wind turbines is approximately 30 years. This does not mean that every individual turbine component is designed to last for 30 years.

How much does it cost to build an offshore wind turbine? ›

On average, wind turbines cost about $1 million per MW, or around $2 million to $4 million each. Larger offshore wind turbines can cost tens of millions of dollars. The largest wind turbine to date, which has a capacity of 12 MW, costs $400 million to manufacture and install.

What is Siemens smallest wind turbine? ›

With m², the Siemens SWT-1.3-62 has the smallest rotor area with the lowest rated power.

Which wind turbine blade is most efficient? ›

Wind turbine blade designs are equally varied. Turbines are designed with either a horizontal or a vertical axis. Their blades are flat, rounded, or curved. In generating electricity, a horizontal-axis turbine with a three-blade design is most efficient for energy production.

Are longer wind turbine blades better? ›

Larger rotor diameters allow wind turbines to sweep more area, capture more wind, and produce more electricity. A turbine with longer blades will be able to capture more of the available wind than shorter blades—even in areas with relatively less wind.

How big is a 5 MW wind turbine? ›

The rotor diameter of the Gamesa G132-5.0MW is 132,0 m. The rotor area amounts to 13.685,0 m². The wind turbine is equipped with 3 rotor blades. The maximum rotor speed is 11,8 U/min.

How big is a 10 MW wind turbine? ›

The rated power of MHI Vestas Offshore V164-10.0MW is 10,00 MW. The rotor diameter of the MHI Vestas Offshore V164-10.0MW is 164 m. The rotor area amounts to 21.124 m². The wind turbine is equipped with 3 rotor blades.

How big is a 16 MW wind turbine? ›

GWH252-16MW offshore wind turbine has a large impeller size with a diameter of 252 meters and a single blade length of 123 meters. The heaviest component installed weighs approximately 500 tons.

What is the cost of a 5 MW wind turbine? ›

Solar Project Size

At an average price of $1.06 per watt, a 5 MW project would represent a $5.3 million investment, but a 100 MW project can exceed $100 million.


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.