This Day, June 15, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)


1215: King John of England puts his seal to theMagna Carta. The Great Charter which issupposed to be one of the cornerstones of English and American rights containsthe following reference to the Jews: “If anyone who borrowed from the Jews anyamount, large or small, dies before the debt is repaid, it shall not carryinterest as long as the heir is under age, of whomsoever he holds; and if thatdebt falls in our hands [i.e., the king’s hands, following the Jewishcreditor’s own demise], we will take nothing except the principal sum specifiedin the bond.” King John and the Barons both saw the Jews as a source of revenueto be used and abused.

1226:TwelveJews of Cologne martyred.

1363:Coronation of Wenceslaus IV, who as Emperor failed to continue the Imperialprotection of the Jews of Luxembourg led to their expulsion in 1391 as King ofBohemia today.

1389:Murad I, the Ottoman Sultan whose reign began in 1362, allowed Jews fleeingfrom persecution in Hungary to settle in Thrace and Anatolia which were part ofhis empire. On the same day, the forces of Murad fought the Serbs in the Battleof Kosovo, a battle that would be a rallying point for Serbs in the Balkanbattles of the 1990’s.

1397:Birthdate of Italian painter Paolo Uccello whose “Miracle of the Profaned Host”probably painted in 1468 depicts Jews being burned at the stake and “is unusualbecause it depicts a Jewish Host Desecration in a country in which suchaccusations historically are not documented.”

1512:In another example of non-Jews exercising control over David’s City, Al-AshrafQansuh Al-Ghuri, “second-to-last of the Mamluk Sultans” who levied exorbitanttaxes on Jews and Christians to replenish his treasury received an envoy of theKing of Georgia with 20 horses who was trying to get the Church of the HolySepulcher in Jerusalem re-opened

1520: Leo X issued the papalencyclical 'Exsurge Domine,' which condemned German Reformer Martin Luther as aheretic on 41 counts and branded him an enemy of the Roman CatholicChurch. This moved heightened thetensions between Rome and those whom they saw as rebels. This event was one of the steps in thedivision of Europe into Protestant and Roman Catholic states. This conflict would lead to the Hundred YearsWar. Too often, the Jews would beinnocent bystanders in this Christian conflict that would turn them intovictims. Much of the treatment of theJews in Christian Europe can only be understood if it is seen against thebackdrop of this theocratic conflict.

1567:Jews of Genoa were expelled. Jews had been living in Genoa since the 6thcentury. They had been expelled from thecity in 1515, readmitted in 1516 and expelled again in 1550. This expulsion would be short-lived since“permission to engage in moneylending and to open shops” was again granted tothe Jews in 1570. (As reported by the Jewish Virtual Library)

1580:Phillip II of Spain declares William I,Prince of Orange, to be an outlaw. William led the Dutch revoltagainst the Spanish that started the Eighty Years War, which ended in 1648 withrecognition of the independence of the United Provinces (aka The Netherlands).The Netherlands were Protestant, and they provided a refuge for the Jews ofEurope including those fleeing the Spanish Inquisition begun by Phillip’spredecessors and continued by his successors.

1623:Cornelis de Witt was killed by an angry mob from the monarchist,Orangist-Calvinist faction. De Witt and his brother had admired the works ofSpinoza. News of his death was quitedisturbing for Spinoza since it could presage the rise of a conservativefaction that would not be tolerant of unconventional thinkers like himself.

1645:In Cornwall, Sir Francis Godolphin and his wife gave birth to Sidney Godolphin,1st Earl of Godolphin during whose service as high treasurer “a governmentappointment was conferred on Moses Hart” through which “he attained great affluence.”

1722(30thof Sivan, 5482): Zebi ben Saul Landau, a member of the Polish Landau Family,who was the rabbi at Zmigrod passed away today in Lemberg.

1722:Today as Louis XV, whom Liefman Calmer had served as “official purveyor” andduring whose reign “he obtained French letters of naturalization” enabling himto exert “considerable influence in public affairs and became administrator ofthe "German" Jews in Paris, “approached his thirteenth birthday, theyear of his majority, he left Paris and moved back to Versailles, where he hadhappy memories of his childhood, but where he was far from the reach of publicopinion.”

1779(1stof Tammuz, 5539): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1779(1stof Tammuz, 5539): Beila bat Michael Benjamin zl passed away today in the UnitedKingdom.

1787:Rachel Ritzel Heilbron, the New York born daughter of Sarah and Moses BenjaminFranks and her husband David Heilbron gave birth to Hannah Monnheimer, the wifeof Jacob Monnheimer with whom she had four children, Judith, Haym, Joseph andRachel.

1798(1stof Tammuz, 5558): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1799:Birthdate of Sophie Barbanelle Bernhard who was buried in Denmark when shepassed away in 1881

1800:Alexander Hamilton, the native of Nevis who according to some was the son aJewess Rachel Levine and who attended the island’s Jewish school before leavingfor North America, completed his two years of service “as the inspector generalof the United States Army” during which he “was the de factor head of thearmy.”

1811:In Philadelphia, PA, Lancaster, PA native Rebecca Lyons and London born JohnMoss gave birth to Samuel Lyons Moss, the husband of Isabell Harris whom hemarried at New Orleans in 1838 with whom he had seven children.

1815:In Frankfurt am Main Malchen Schloss and David Philipp (Feist) Schloss gavebirth to Salomon David Schloss

1815:Birthdate of Rudolph Carl Hertzog, the father of Louis Rudolph Hertzog and thegrandfather Rudolph Hertzog who in 1839 founded the famous Berlin departmentstore that bore his name - Rudolph Hertzog.

1818(11thof Sivan, 5578): Thirty-six-year-old David Cohen Mordecai, the husband ofReinah Abrahams Mordecais and father of Moses, Isaac, Zipporah and ReinahCordelia Mordecai passed away today after which he was buried at the ComingStreet Cemetery in Charleston, SC.

1825(29thof Sivan, 5585): Twenty-year-old Lucia Orah, the wife of Abraham Jonas and thesister-in-law of Joseph Jonas passed away today in Cincinnati, OH.

1826:Sultan Mahmud II destroyed the Janissary soldiers as part of his reforms forhis empire. This was said to be a "great boon" for the Jews, who wereoften harassed by these soldiers.

1828(3rdof Tammuz, 5588): David Sarzedas, Jr, the Charleston born son of David andSarah Sazrzedas and the stepson of Col. David Mayros passed away today inCheraw, South Carolina.

1830:In Württemberg, Germany, Bernhard Frankfurter, the son of Moses LeviFrankfurter and Mirjam Landauer, and his wife Esther Frank gave birth to FanniFrankfurter

1833:Birthdate of Theodor Hermann Meynert, the non-Jewish psychiatrist whosestudents included Josef Breuer and Sigmund Frued.

1834:In what will be the first of three days of violence, “members of the local Arabpopulation gathered to attack Tzfat’s Jewish community. Jewish property wasplundered, as Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues were burnt to the ground.Jewish women were tortured and raped. Many Jews were murdered or maimed.” Tzfat is the town in Israel famous for itsconnection with Jewish mystics. It is"the home of LechaDodi" the hymn used to welcomethe Sabbath Queen. [This was not anisolated episode. Ever since the 16th century the town which is alsocalled Safed, became a major Jewish center it was subject to

1835:James and Eliza Davis were married today at the Great Synagouge.

1835:Birthdate of Adah Isaacs Menken, American actress and poet.Adah Menken’strue religious origins are controversial. Born in Louisiana in 1835 to Augusteand Marie Theodore, some historians believe that she was raised a Catholic, anassertion that Menken herself denied. In response to a journalist who calledher a convert, Menken replied, "I was born in [Judaism], and have adheredto it through all of my erratic career. Through that pure and simple religion,I have found greatest comfort and blessing.” In 1857, Adah andAlexander,(the first of her four husbands) moved from New Orleans to Cincinnati, then thecenter of Reform Judaism in America. Adah learned to read Hebrew fluently andstudied classical Jewish texts. It was at this time that Adah’s other artisticand intellectual talents emerged. An aspiring writer, she contributed poems andessays on Judaism to Isaac Mayer Wise’s weekly newspaper, The Israelite. Menkensaw herself as a latter-dayDeborah, advocating for Jewish communities aroundthe world. In the 1860’s, Menken earned world fame in an equestrianmelodrama, "Mazeppa." She daringly appeared on stage playing the roleof a man, wearing nothing but a flesh-colored body stocking, riding a horse ona ramp that extended into the audience. Menken’s costume scandalized"respectable" critics—even as it attracted huge and enthusiasticaudiences that included such notables as Walt Whitman and the greatShakespearean actor, Edwin Booth. She died of t.b. at the age of 33 whileliving in Paris. To give you an idea of how famous she was, Napoleon IIIsent his personal physician to care for her. Yet today, she is a lessthan a footnote in history. She passed away at the age of 33 in 1868.

1836:“Two days after her 17th birthday, Charlotte von Rothschild who wasa member of the Naples branch of the banking family married Lionel deRothschild her first cousin from the English branch of the family.”

1836:Arkansas is admitted as the 25th state to join the Union. There wereonly a handful of Jews living in the land of the Razorbacks. Probably the first Jew to live in the statewas Captain Abraham Block who moved there in the 1820’s with his family ofseven and became a prominent merchant who proudly maintained his Jewishidentity. For more about the small, butvibrant Arkansas Jewish community see A Corner of the Tapestry: A History of the Jewish Experience in Arkansas, 1820s-1990s by Carolyn Gray LeMaster.

1843: In Bergen, Norway, “Alexander Grieg, a merchant andvice-consul in Berge and Gesine Judithe Hagerup, a music teacher” gave birth tothe great composer and conductor Edvard Greig who in 1899 refused a request toparticipated in Colonne Concerts in Paris because of his opposition to the wayDreyfus had been treated , that like anyother individual who is not a member of the French nation, I am shocked by thedisgusting manner in which your compatriots treat both the law and justice, andmy disgust is so great that I have no desire to appear before a Frenchaudience.” (As reported by Shaul Koubovi)

1847:In a discussing the matter of Jewish emancipationOtto Von Bismarck said today that Prussia was indeed a Christian state and thatJews could not expect equality within it. They could only hold a subordinateposition. That might not be perfectly Christian, but admitting the Jews intoPrussia would not make Prussia itself more Christian. What the Jews mostwanted, he said was to become military and civilian officers of the state andthat was quite out of the question.

1850: Today, during the reign of Napoleon III, changes were madein the laws that had been adopted by Napoleon I concerning the method ofchoosing delegates the Jewish consistories in France.

1850: “The application for Simon Lodge No. 4 of the IndependentOrder of Free Sons of Israel which had been formed in 1849 was received today.

1852: In London, Rosetta Pinto, daughter Rabbi David Aaron deSola, the leader of Bevis Marks and his was wife Rebeca de Sola and her husbandHenry (Chaim) Pinto gave birth to Abraham Henry Pinto, the “husbandof Catherine Octavia Pinto and father of (Arthur) Enrico Pinto; Violet HildaPinto; Frederick David Pinto; Ida Stella Cansino; Carita Rosetta Pinto; Brenda(Lilla) Duschinsky; Phyllis Ruth Pinto; Rhoda Octavia Pinto and Audrey Pinto”who is not to be confused with Abraham Pinto who moved from his native Morroccoand settled in London during the19th century.

1853: Nehemiah Joseph Alexander married Rosa Bachrach at the GreatSynagogue in London today.

1862: In Vilna, Moses Pinanski and his wife gave birth to NathanPinanski the Boston philanthropist who was the founder and president of both“Congregation Adath Jeshurun in Roxbury” and “the People’s Free Loan Society, anon-sectarian charitable organization.”

1862: Catherine Green, the daughter of Solomon and Jane Green, wasburied today in the West Ham Jewish Cemetery.

1863: During the siege at Vicksburg, the 38th Iowa took a position on the extreme left of the line, extendingfrom the river to a short distance across the Warrenton Road thus helping to thwartan attempted Confederate raid intended to break the siege.

1864:A portion of the lands surrounding the Custis-Lee Mansion across the PotomacRiver from Washington become Arlington National Cemetery. Over 2,000 Jewish veterans are buried atArlington National Cemetery. Over sixthousand Jews fought for the Union and about half that number fought on theside of the Confederacy. Five UnionCivil War Veterans are buried in Section Thirteen. Two Rabbis who served as chaplains buried atArlington are Captain Joshua Goldberg and Admiral Betram W. Korn. Other famous Jews buried at Arlington areArthur Goldberg, an Air Force Colonel better known for his service as Secretaryof Labor, Associate Supreme Court Justice and U.N. Ambassador, The “AtomicAdmiral”, Hyman Rickover, Astronaut Judith Resnick, Ambassadors RobertGuggenheim and Samuel D. Berger and Colonel Rae Landy, a veteran of both WorldWars, who helped open Hadassah Hospital in 1913. Orde Wingate, a British Major General whodied in Burma during World War II is also buried at Arlington. Wingate was not Jewish, but he played asignificant role in Jewish history.During the 1930’s, he was stationed in Palestine. He was one of the few British officers whowere sympathetic to the Zionist cause.Among other things, he helped train the Jewish self-defense forcesteaching them the arts of small unit combat and night fighting. Two of his most famous students were MosheDayan and Yigal Allon.

1865:In France, Jonas Bernard and Douce Noémie Rouget gave birth to the eldest oftheir four sons, Lazare Marcus Manassé Bernard whose “family had introduced theJacquard Loom to Toulouse” and who gained fame a journalist Bernard Lazare, oneof “the first of the Dreyfusards.”

1865:Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton wrote “to Brevet Brigadier-General Edward S.Salmon, U.S Volunteers” that “you are hereby informed that the President of theUnited States has appointed you for distinguished gallantry and meritoriousservices during the war, a Brigadier General of Volunteers” which you have heldby brevet since March 13, 1865.

1868:Birthdate of Boston native Lottie Feibelman, the wife of Ely Feibelman whoorganized the Jewish women of Boston to supply kosher food and Yiddish speakingphysicians for local hospitals and whose served as president of the LadiesAuxiliary of Boston’s Mount Sainia Hospital Outpatient Clinic from 1906 to 1916during which time she led “approximately 350 Jewish woman in raising monies formedical instruments, linens, social services, research and a building fund.”

1870:It was reported today that the review of Disraeli’s latest novel Lothairthat appeared in Blackwood goes beyond the bounds of a literary critique andtakes on the tone of polemic that attacks the British statesman personallytaking special pains to mockingly refer to his Jewish origins.

1870: Today's"EuropeanMail News" column reported that a petition is beingcirculated in Paris asking that the Grand Rabbi Isidore should be nominated toserve as a Senator. No Jew has ever held such a position.

1870: In Chicago, Juliaand Solomon Austrian gave birth today attorney Alfred S. Austrian, the Harvardgraduate who was the husband of Mamie Rothschild.

1871: While visiting “theHoly Land” former Secretary of State William Seward spent part of today at theHuvra Synagogue.

1873(20th of Sivan, 5633):Twenty-five-year-old Zadok, “Oskar” Waldstein, the son of Ephraim and LeaKoppel Waldstein passed away in Bavaria.

1873: In Lithuania, DavidHersh Shubert and Gittle Helvich Shubert gave birth to Sarah Shubert Davidow,the wife of Edward Davidow whom she married in 1911

1874: Seventy-two-year-oldGerman Orientalist Emil Roediger who revised Wilhelm Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammarpassed away today.

1875: Final performance of“The Two Orphans” which had opened in 1874 with Rose Eytinge in the role of“Marianee.”

1875: In Patterson NewJersey, James A. Morrissee married Rachel Blumenthal, the daughter of a Jewishmerchant from Montreal. Blumenthal lefthis bride and told her he was going to Chicago on business for his wife. (Thesefacts would be revealed in a subsequent, messy divorce proceeding).

1876: According to a reportpublished today the United Hebrew Charities raised $72,115.60 and the HebrewOrphan Society raised $70,115.35 during the 1875-76 fiscal year.

1877: In Landau, GermanyJakob and Ida Edelchen Baruch gave birth to Julius Baruch, the husband of IreneBaruch and the father Irene Baruch who was murdered by the Nazis in the MinksGhetto, probably sometime after November 1941

1877: “To Jew” publishedtoday provides a summary of Richard Grant White’s wide-ranging linguistichistory on the use of that term and concludes with the wish that the Jews “whohave outlived the Pharaohs may outlive philology. Certainly they will lived downprejudice and obloquy of which this verb is evidence reproachful only of itsusers.

1877: “Where BoccaccioGave Offense” published today provide a critical summary of the third novel ofthe first day entitled “Melchisedech a Jew, by recounting a Tale of threeRings”

1878: According to reportspublished today "The English, French, German and Eastern branches of theIsraelite Alliance have sent a delegate to" the meeting of Europeanleaders at Berlin (Congress of Berlin) to describe "the deplorable conditions"of the Jews living in Romania and Bulgaria with the hope of gaining some relieffor their co-religionists.

1878: As "TheSeason" opened today at Saratoga, The Grand Union Hotel announced thatwill continue its policy of refusing to accept Jews as guest at the hotel.

1879: “Why clergymanshould study Hebrew” published today stresses the necessity for Christianclergymen to learn this ancient Semitic tongue. “Without such knowledge theycan neither understand the Old Testament, nor the new, nor explain therelationship of the two.”

1879: "Murder That DoNot Out" published today explores the history of unsolved New York Citymurders including that of Benjamin Nathan, a wealthy New York Jew who waskilled in 1870.

Nathan had had his skullcrushed during what appeared to be a robbery at his home. Despite a sizeable reward and the bestefforts of the police department the crime remains unsolved.

1880:It was reported that conditions in Palestine have greatly improved over thelast few years. In Jerusalem severalhouses have been restored or rebuilt.The streets are now lit and, for an Oriental city, kept clean. Water now flows to the city through theaqueduct connected to the Pools of Solomon.The tanneries and slaughterhouses have been outside the city walls. Bethlehem and Nazareth are emulating many ofthese improvements and windows are now being placed in many buildings in thesecities. These and other improvements may lead to Europeans “wintering” here.[As we know, modern Israel has become a popular tourist destination for manyEuropeans seeking to escape the winter.]

1880:It was reported that “there is a fixed resolution on the part of thousands inPrussia to make that country as hot as possible for Jews” and this might forcea large number of German Jews to move to Palestine. [The rise of Jews in Germansociety coincided with a rise in anti-Semitism. In one sense this report is aprophecy of what happened in the 1930’s when German Jews left for Palestine.]

1880:It was reported today that while a conference in Madrid concerning conditionsin Morocco was at an impasse, the British government was considering jointaction by all the powers in favor of religious liberty in Morocco. At the conference, the Austrian and Americangovernments were ready to “energetically” plead the cause of the Jews but theFrench and the Moroccons halted deliberations before they could do so.

1880:Alexander Weinberg, the German born son of Abraham Bendix Weinberg and FiekchenSophia Weinberg and his wife EliseWeinberg gave birth to Iwan Weinberg.

1880:It was reported today the Maurice Heineltrop, left a note for his wife beforetaking his own life which was written in Hebrew and begged to take care oftheir four children and to pay off his workers.

1881(18thof Sivan, 5641): Fifty-three-year-old Rachel Seixas Phillips, the wife ofAdolphus Simson Solomons and the mother of Aline Esther Solomons passed awaytoday in the District of Columbia.

1881:In Vilna, Hannah Etta Smith and Zussman Alexnder Trace gave birth to NorthwesternMedical School graduate Isadore MichaelTrace, the husband of Miriam Getrude Hackner who in 1899 had come to the UnitedStates where he served on the faculty ofLoyola University and was affiliated with the Jewish Home for the Aged.

1882(28thof Sivan, 5642): Julius Porges, the Principal of Hebrew Free School Number 8passed away today by his own hand.

1883:In Dukora, a small village in Minsk Governorate, Zev Volf and Brokhe Tsharni(née Hurwitz) gave birth to Shmuel Ṭsharni who gained fame as Shmuel Niger as aleading Yiddish literary figure in Russia and then the United States.

1883:Birthdate of Russian native and medical economist Joseph Slavit the Cornell andLI College Hospital trained physician.

1884:In Dorpat, Russian Joel and Anna Rothenberg gave birth to NYU trained attorneyand Zionist leader Morris Rothenberg who was the husband of Annie Shomer.

1884:In Elmira, NY, Sarah Meyerfeld and Myer Friendly gave birth TO Edwin S.Friendly, the husband of Henrietta S. Steinmeirer who served as assistant business manager atthe New York Times before becoming the business manager of the NewYork Sun.

1885:In Myslowitz, George and Helena (Munzer) Frischer gave birth to UniversityMedical College (K.C. MO) urologist Julius Frishcer , the husband of MarionSickle whom he married in June of 1920.

1885:Birthdate of Lithuanian native Julius Kassinger, the St. Louis trainedphysician who 1914 applied for membership in the “St. Joseph-Buchanan-AndrewCounty Medical Society.

1885:In Kiev, Ephraim Kaganovsky and Beth Sheba (Katz) Cohen gave birth to Harvardtrained, Minnesota dentist Abraham Kaganovksy Cohen the husband of RebeccaFalk.

1886:In Grodok, Bialystock, Louis and Mary Rosenblatt gave birth to Columbia trainedattorney and New York City Magistrate Bernard A. Rosenblatt, the husband ofGertrude Goldsmith and longtime Zionist leader.

1886:In a sign of an ecumenical spirit that was rare for this time in history it wasreported that Dr. B.M. Palmer, a Presbyterian minister delivered the eulogy atthe funeral of Rabbi James K. Gutheim of Temple Sinai. Other signs of the esteem in which he washeld by the non-Jewish community was a floral offering from Christ EpiscopalChurch and attendance at the funeral by several minister including the FatherHubert who was a Jesuit.

1887:“Wanted by Two Wives” published today described a strange case of bigamyinvolving Abraham Bernstein who deserted his wife and family in Port Chester,NY and then married a woman in nearby Glenville, Conn. The two women have become aware of thesituation and have sworn out a warrant for his arrest. The “husband” has disappeared. [It can’t allbe about Nobel Prize winners and great scholars]

1887:A fire swept through Botoșani, Romania destroying over a thousand buildingsmost of which were occupied by Jews and leaving 8,000 people homeless and onthe verge of starvation. Jews made up a large part of the population of thiscity in Northeast Romania. By the firstdecade of the 20th century 72% of the city’s population would beJewish, “the highest percentage of any large city in the world at that time.”

1888: Crown Prince Wilhelm became Kaiser WilhelmII. Ten years after coming to the throne, the Kaiser would visit Jerusalem in1898 where Herzl tried, and failed, to interest him creating a Jewish homelandin Palestine. The Kaiser’s reign was a mixed bag for Jews. As they became moresuccessful a new virulent form of anti-Semitism grew apace. During the War the Jews rushed to the colors,but the accusations of malingering were so strong that a special commission wasestablished to look into this pernicious falsehood. The true measure of the Kaiser can be seenwhen he was forced to abdicate, he blamed it on the Jews. The myth of the “stab in the back” so popularwith the Nazis was first the lament of “Wailing Willie.”

1888:In Lemberg, Austria, “Hirsch L. and Yetta (Bentel) Blitz gave birth to ColumbiaUniversity alum Samuel Blitz, the husband of Amelia Hirsch, the Secretary ofthe Zionist Council of Greater New York and who, as an organizer for the ZOA“traveled throughout the U.S. and Canada, visiting nearly every Jewishcommunity in both countries.”

1888:It was reported today that Newton Harrison was the top performing student inthe First Class at the Hebrew Technical Institute while Samuel Schneider wasthe top student in the Second Class and Max Lowenthal was the top student inthe third school. The institute wascreated to provide free vocational training for young Jewish boys.

1889:In Sambor, a city in Galicia attorney Joseph Steuermann and his wife Auguste Steuermann gave birthto Salomea Sara Steuermann whogained fame as actress and screenwriter Salka Viertel whose scripts includedthe famous 1935 epic “Anna Karenina.”

1889:In Sudlekov (Zhidachov), Ukraine, Rose Schwartz and grain dealer Isaac Schwartzgave birth to Avram Moishe Schwartz who gained fame as Maurice Schwartz thetheatre and film actor who founded the Yiddish Art Theatre at New York in 1918.

1890(27thof Sivan, 5650): Harry Waldstein, the native of Weisendorf, Germany, who wasthe son of Zadok and Esther Waldstein and the husband of Sophie SchriesheimerWaldstein passed away today in NY.

1890:“Talmudic Quibbles” published today provides a commentary on the verse fromGenesis “The Lord said, ‘Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great.’”(What makes this worth noting is that it was published in a leading Americansecular daily paper and not some obscure Yiddish or Hebrew language journal.)

1890:A review of The Montefiores:Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore an illustrated two volume workedited by Dr. L. Lowe and his sons, based on the actual diaries of these twonotables in which they recorded the events from 1812 through 1883 was publishedtoday.

1890:“The closing exercises of the Sabbath school of Temple Ahawath Chesed tookplace this afternoon at the 55th Street and Lexington Avenue

1891:Rabbi Gustav Gottheil presided over the opening session of the JewishMinisters’ of America thirteenth convention which was being held at the Gatesof Heaven Temple on 15th Street.

1891:This evening, the twenty-five rabbis attending the convention of the JewishMinisters’ Association of America hearing addresses on “The Evil of Skepticismand Its Remedy” and Does Knowledge Lessen Crime?”

1891:“Judge Andrews, in Supreme Court Chambers reserved his decision on a motion tohave transferred to Montgomery County for trial a suit brought by Gustave A.Epstein against David Straus of Amsterdam, NY to recover $10,000 maliciousprosecution.” Epstein and Straus wereJewish businessman. Andrews was notJewish.

1891In Philadelphia, PA, hundreds of Jewish and Russian tailors went on strike thismorning.

1892:Abraham B. Cohen who settled in Scranton, PA where he was president of KeystoneRealty Company, the President of the Scranton Zionist District and a founderand president of the Linden Street Temple in Scranton married Ella Wittrettoday.

1892:In Russia, “Nathan Byrllion and Matilda (Neistadt) fa*gin” gave birth N.Bryllion fa*gin who in 1900 came to the United States where he earned a BA atMichigan State, an MA at George Washington University and Ph.D at Johns Hopkinsbefore going on to teach English literature at several institutions and write TheHistrionic Mr. Poe.

1893:The Senatorial Committee chaired by Senator David B. Hill which has beenlooking into immigration practices at Ellis Island, including the treatment ofJewish immigrants will leave New York to continue its work in Oklahoma, Utah,New Mexico, Arizona and California.

1893:In “Russians Fear the Jews” published today Colonel Weber, the former U.S.Immigration Commissioner takes issue with the claim by the Secretary of theRussian Legation that the laws limiting the rights of Jews are a matter ofreligion and are a matter of economic survival citing his observation that Jewswho convert to the Orthodox religion are still discriminated against.

1894:It was reported today that Joseph Herman Hertz who has a PhD from Columbia hasbeen ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary. Henry M. Speaker and David Wittenberg haveearned diplomas as teachers of Hebrew from JTS.

1895:Birthdate of Richmond, KY, Reuben C. Pearlman, a graduate of Johns HopkinsMedical School who became a surgeon in Louisville, KY.

1895:“The announcement that Mrs. Maud Craig Burke Davis is being held by police inSan Francisco on charges of forgery has caused “a great sensation” among herfriends and family in Rochester, NY.Mrs. Davis comes from a prominent and wealthy family in Rochester. Her recent marriage to J.C. Davis came as asurprise because her family was Catholic and Davis was Jewish.

1895:Birthdate of Brooklyn native and WW I U.S. Army veteran Agen Myer, a reporterfor several newspapers in France from 1919-1940 before he fled World War II andmoved to the U.S who in 1919 married Helene Siegel whom she met after she read“a poem he had published from the trenches” and began writing to him during thewar.

1896:Based on information that first appeared in TheFishing Gazette, it was reported today that “no one in New York except theJews eat the buffalo carp, a fish found in the Illinois River “which does notfeed on anything except vegetable matter” which is “exceedingly sweet to thetaste.” The carp was probably used bythe Jews in the making of Gefilte Fish.

1896:In the Polish part of Russian Empire, David and Gute (Feldman) Starbobinskygave birth gave birth to Zelig Strobinksky, who gained fame as Rabbi SeligStarr, who in 1921 came to the United States where he married Pearl Cohen inChicago in 1924 and became a professor at the Hebrew Theological College inChicago.

1896:Herzl and Newlinski travel to Constantinople. Herzl succeeds in visiting anumber of highly placed individuals, including the vizier

1896:“Lauterbach Taunted As A Jew” published today described an episode at theRepublican National Convention where Edward Lauterbach of New York was tauntedby an opponent who “made a coarse remark when he coupled with an illusion toMr. Lauterbach’s race.”

1897:In Berlin the former Else Lieberman and Doctor of Jurisprudence Hugo Preuß gavebirth to Gerhard Preuß

1897:A fire of unknown origin which began last night, possibly caused by faultywiring, turned the wooden structures on Ellis Island into ashes. No loss oflife was reported, but most of the immigration records dating back to 1855 weredestroyed. About 1.5 million immigrants had been processed at the firstbuilding during its five years of use. Plans were immediately made to build anew, fireproof immigration station on Ellis Island.

1897:In Boston, founding today of Congregation “Kennesseth Israel” whose memberscame to include Louis Pakroisky, David Kasanof, Moses Goldberg, M.S. Rosenbaum,Robert Krensky and Harry Werner.

1897:The Barge Office which had been the immigrant processing center from April 19, 1890,to December 31, 1891 began to fill that function again today due to the firethat had destroyed Ellis Island.

1897:“Topics of the Times” published today included a summary of The ChicagoIsraelite’s opposition to plans to settle Jews in Palestine. A Jewish return to the Palestine “without aMessiah or even the remote exception of one is an extremely oddconception.” (The opposition to Zionismby the weekly paper should come as no surprise the editor was Leo Wise the sonRabbi Isaac Mayer Wise. But it is odd tohave a pillar of Reform Judaism invoke the Messiah since Rabbi Wise and ReformJudaism had rejected the concept.)

1897: Starting today, the Barge Office was used asNew York’s immigrant processing center as a result of the fire at EllisIsland. This was the second time thatthe Barge Office was used in this capacity.

1898:Cornell educated newspaper executive Charles Colman Rosewater, the son “Edwardand Leah (Colman) Rosewater who began his career as the business manager of theOmaha Bee before moving on to the Los Angeles Express, the LosAngeles Times, the Kansas City Journal and the Seattle PostIntelligencer before finally serving as the director of publications for SuccessMagazine in New York married Julia Alice Warner today

1898:“Anti-Jew Riots in Austria” published today relies on information that firstappeared in the Neue Freie Presse todescribe the outbreaks of anti-Semitic violence that has taken place throughoutGalicia.

1899:As of today, the United Hebrew Charities has collected $80.50 following aspecial appeal to meeting the needs of destitute family consisting of husbandand wife who have ruined their health working and their four children. Donations have included one for $20 and onefor fifty cents.

1899:Second Lieutenant Gustave Hirsch who had served as a signal officer washonorably discharged today from the United States Army.

1899:Captain Dreyfus is expected to disembark from the French cruiser Sfax at Brestwhich he had boarded at French Guiana on June 10.

1900:In Romania, R' Yitzchak Yechiel Paneth, of Daish, the “son of R' Moshe Paneth,Daszer Rebbe and Malka Paneth” and his wife Matil Lea Paneth gave birth toYehuda Paneth, the husband of Masha Paneth and the father of Rivka Leifer.

1900(18thof Sivan, 5660): Eighty-year-old. Samuel Kristeller the Polish born Germanphysician who also was a leader of the Jewish community serving as an activemember of the Deutsch-Israelitische Gemeindebund and the Society forPropagation of Handicrafts, passed away today in Berlin. (As reported by IsidorSinger and Frederick T. Haneman)

1901:Birthdate of Sir Dove-Myer Robinson, who became Mayor of Auckland City, NewZealand.

1901:In Boston, MA, Louis and Sarah Miller Fishbein gave birth toProvidence RI resident and Tufts Medical School graduate Dr. Jay N. Fishbein. “apioneer in the use of diathermy in the treatment of nasal sinuses” and “astaunch Zionist, who made annual trips to Israel and became a member of theAmerican Physicians Fellowship of the Israeli Medical Association.”

1902: Birthdate of Max Rudolf. Born in FrankfurtGermany he was conductor Gutenberg Symphony Orchestra.

1902: In Frankfurt, Karla Abrahamsen, who came from a prominentJewish family in Copenhagen, Denmark, and “an unnamed non-Jewish Dane” gavebirth to Erik Salmonsen who gained fame as Pulitzer Prize winning psychologistErik Erikson whose troubled personal identity problems reportedly had aprofound effect on his professional research.

1903 In Dej, Romania, Rabbi Ezekiel Pananth, the Romanian born sonof R' Moshe Panet, Daszer Rebbe and Malka Panethm and his wife Rivka Panethgave birth to Masha Paneth who becameMasha Greenwald when she married Yehoshua Greenwald.

1904: In Vienna composer Gustav Mahler and Alma Schindler gavebirth to their second child, the sculptor Anna Justine Mahler who found refugein Hampstead, UK after the Anschluss.

1904: A “scattering of Jews” were among the “excursionists” whodrowned today following the burning and sinking of the General Slocumwhich claimed the lives of a large population from the East Side.

1905: “The New York branch of the Bund” received a telegram todayfrom its headquarters in Geneva that the “anti-Jewish riots at Brest-Litowsk,Minsk and Warsaw” was “done with the aid of soldiers.”

1906: Day 2 of the Bialystok Pogrom.

1907: In his capacity as Minister of War, Major General GeorgesPicquarttold Dreyfus that it would be impossible to reconstitutehis career, which led to Dreyfus's retirement.”This must have been difficult for Picquart since he “became a Dreyfusardafter having identified Esterhazy as the author of the bordereau.”

1908: It was reported today that “a call has been sent from thelocal headquarters of the Zionists on 204 East Broadway, for a convention ofthe American Federation of Zionists at Atlantic City from July 10 to 15, forthe purpose perfecting an organization they say has long been neglected.”

1908:Twenty-eight-year-old NYU grad and JTS ordained rabbi Jacob Kohn the Newark, NJborn son of Bertha and Siegfried Kohn married August Hirsch today in Newark.

1909: In Cleveland, OH, “Menachem and Johanna(Herzberg) Katz gave birth to Meyer Myron Katz the husband of Goldie “GraceEpstein, who gained fame as “novelty band leader” Mickey Katz, a comedian andmusician specializing in Yiddish humor also known for being the father of JoelGrey and the grandfather of Jennifer Grey, famous for her role in “DirtyDancing.:

1909: Thirty-one-year-old Judge Emil Fuchs, thefuture owner of the Boston Braves today married “Aurelia “Oretta” Marcovich, thedaughter of Henry and Rose (Trauber) Marcovich, immigrants from Jassy (alsocalled Lassi or Lasi), a city in eastern Romania.

1910:Birthdate of David Rose, the British-born American composer andconductor who won four Emmys and whose compositions include The Stripper, Calypso Melody, and thethemes for two television hits – Little House on the Prairie and Bonanza.

1910: Moss DaCosta Woollley married Hannah Levy at“New Synagogue St. Helens London” today.

1911:Tabulating Computing Recording Corporation (IBM) is incorporated. For the roleof IBM during the Shoah see IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black. “IBMGermany, known in those days as Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft,or Dehomag, did not simply sell the Reich machines and then walk away. IBM'ssubsidiary, with the knowledge of its New York headquarters, enthusiasticallycustom-designed the complex devices and specialized applications as an officialcorporate undertaking. Dehomag's top management was comprised of openly rabidNazis who were arrested after the war for their Party affiliation. IBM NYalways understood-from the outset in 1933 that it was courting and doingbusiness with the upper echelon of the Nazi Party. The company leveraged itsNazi Party connections to continuously enhance its business relationship withHitler's Reich, in Germany and throughout Nazi-dominated Europe.”

1912(30thof Sivan, 5672): Parashat Korach; Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1912:Birthdate of Brooklyn native and New York Medical College Dr. Irving Innerfield,“research professor of medicine at New York Medical College and a pioneer inthe medical field of inflammation” and husband of “the former Jean Pozefsky”with whom he raised four children.

1913:At the Piedmont Hotel on Long Island, Bessie Hawkshaw married Dr. Lewis ArthurGoldberger.

1913(30thof Sivan, 5672): Izer Perlstein, a rabbi in Rockland, Maine, passed away today.

1913:In Baltimore, MD, the Jewish Educational Alliance dedicated the Michael S. LevyMemorial Building.

1913:In South Bend, Indiana, at Temple Beth El Rabbi Abraham Cronbach officiated atConfirmation Services this morning.

1913:At the Chicago Hebrew Institute Mrs. M.L. Purvin is scheduled to address thechildren at today’s Sabbath School Graduation Exercises

1914:In London, soprano Alma Gluck married violinist Efrem Zimbalist with whom shehad two children “Maria Virginia Goelet” and actor Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. bestknown for his starring role in “77 Sunset Strip.”

1914:Hammerstein’s Roof Garden will host an amateur dance contest tonight inconnection with “Dancing by Moonlight.”

1914:Birthdate of Romania native cartoonist and illustrator Saul Steinberg whoworked and studied in Italy until 1940 when the anti-Jewish racial laws inFascist Italy forced him to flee to America by way of Santo Domingo where in 1941, he started publishing regularly in TheNew Yorker.

1915:Birthdate of Oscar Westreich, the native of Vienna who made Aliyah in 1933 andas Yehoshua Bar-Hillel became a noted mathematician and linguist.

1915:A summary of the remarks of Dr. C.B. Wilmer, the rector of St. Luke’sProtestant Episcopal Church made during the clemency hearing for Leo Frank,published today included the statement that “the appeal was not based onmercy.” “We appeal on moral grounds for justice. We appeal against the provincial prejudicewhich has been evident against outside interference and against the prejudiceof Gentiles against Jews.”

1915:The Clemency hearing for Leo Frank was postponed for the day so that thegovernor, who had taken the time to visit the pencil factory where the murderhad taken place, could deliver the commencement address at the University ofGeorgia in Athens. “Governor Slaton is putting every spare moment on the Athenstrip studying the Frank trial record and the briefs submitted by SolicitorDorsey and the attorneys for the defense.

1915:“The speech of ex-Governor Joseph M. Brown in opposition to commutation hascaused much criticism including today’s communication to the press from “C.Ross Wall, a prominent Georgia which says, “I have read the outrageous andwicked diatribe of ex-Governor Brown against the long-maligned, persecuted andinnocent Leo M. Frank. There is no man on earth that has more respect for theBible than I have, but when Mr. Brown quoted from it in an effort to have aninnocent man hanged in order to satiate the blood thirst of a mob which menacedthe court during the trial of the Frank case and which continues its efforts tobulldoze officials of Georgia in an effort to present them from do their plainsworn duty, his conduct should and will be condemned by all Christian men andwomen…”

1915:Today, the New York Times published a letter Professor William R. Shepherd“sympathetic” to “the idea that the Jews should once more take up residence inSpain.”

1915:As of this date “approximately 600,000 Jews had been uprooted from the Pale ofSettlement, by far the largest proportionate transplantation among the variouspopulations of the Russian empire’s western provinces.

1916:“The Jewish Daily News announced”today, “that Dr. Harry Freidenwald of Baltimore, a member of the AmericanJewish Committee” who favors “the Congress movement of the American Jewry whichcalled for a convention of American Jews to seek a settlement of right of Jewsin foreign countries” “has sent a letter of resignation to that body on theground that he did not consider the committee sufficiently representative ofpopular Jewish opinion.”

1916:Elma Ehrlich, the daughter of Samuel and Sarah Ehrlich married future rabbi LeeJ. Levinger making her Elma Ehrlich Levinger the name under which she pursuedan active career that included writing over thirty children’s books. (JewishWomen’s Archives)

1916:Today Maurice Simmons issued a copy of a letter he sent to Adjutant GeneralLouis W. Sotesbury and a statement in which he said that the National Guard” isnot taking the investigation of alleged discrimination against Jews in theNational Guard seriously.

1916:In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Arthur Simon, a German born electrical engineer andpianist “Edna Marguerite Merkel” gave birth to Nobel Prize winning economistHerbert Simon.

1916:“New persecutions of the Jews in Russia” were described in the edition of theAmerican Hebrew being sold today by it European correspondent who is simplyidentified as “A.I.”

1916:Birthdate of developer and businessman Lois Lesser.

1917:Vilmos Vázsonyi began serving as Minister of Justice of Hungary.

1917:President Woodrow Wilson signed the Espionage Act of 1917 into law. Among thosewho have been charged under the act are Victor Berger, Daniel Ellsberg,Jonathan Pollard and the Rosenbergs.

1917:Birthdate of Lillian Violet Bassman, the Brooklyn born daughter of Russian Jewswho became famous as “Lillian Bassman, a magazine art director and fashionphotographer who achieved renown in the 1940s and ’50s with high-contrast,dreamy portraits of sylphlike models, then re-emerged in the ’90s as a fine-artphotographer after a cache of lost negatives resurfaced…” (As reported byWilliam Grimes)

1917:“The Royal Navy yacht Managamreturned two Palestinian Jewish agents to Athlit after they had been trained inthe use of explosives in Cyprus. Their task was to blow up a section of theHaifa to Damascus railway, between Afula and Dera’a.”

1918:Jeroham El-Yachar, the chief rabbi of Baghdad sent a protest, through the SwissGovernment, in which he complained about “the cruel treatment of the Jews inthe Turkish Empire” which included “various forms of oppression and robbery”and the strangling of young imprisoned Jews whose bodies are then thrown intothe Tigris River.”

1919:After the street battle in the Hörlgasse today, when police shot eight of hisunarmed party comrades, Karl Popper became disillusioned by what he saw to bethe "pseudo-scientific" historical materialism of Marx, abandoned theideology, and remained a supporter of social liberalism throughout his life.”

1919:“The Confirmants Club of the Bronx Free Synagogue” performed “The Jew” a comedyby Richard Cumberland that had first been performed in 1794 and was uniquebecause it was the first play to show the Jewish moneylender as a hero andwhich was so well received that Louis I. Newman wrote a book about theplaywright -- Richard Cumberland: Critic and Friend of the Jews.

1920:The Haganah, the pre-Israel Self Defense Force was formed during a meeting ofthe Ahdut Avodah party. It was designed to take the place of the Ha-Shomer movementand was dedicated to "havlagah" or pure self-defense. The Haganah wasformed in response to a wave of Arab violence from which the British wereunable or willing to protect the Jewish community. The Haganah was forcedto operate underground during the 1930's and 1940's as the British took anincreasingly pro-Arab stance and the Arabs engaged in periodic waves ofviolence. The Haganah also was active in bringing immigrants into thecountry despite the White Paper.

1920:The operation to widen the Jaffa to Jerusalem Railway to “standard gauge” wascompleted today.

1920:All funds collected by volunteers working for The Greater New YorkNon-Sectarian Appeal for Jewish War Sufferers Abroad must be turned in today.

1921:Birthdate of Gavril Abramovich Ilizarov, the “Soviet physician, known forinventing the Ilizarov apparatus for lengthening limb bones and for hiseponymous surgery.”

1922:“The Williamsburg Mission to the Jews of Brooklyn, N.Y., has sold for a clientof theirs, a plot 40 by 90 feet on Maine Avenue, Westerleigh, to Ada M. Clawsonand Maud B. Granger, who recently purchased the adjoining property on CollegeAvenue from William S. Van Clief.”

1922:In London, The Morning Post learned about “the recent Papal protest of theLeague of Nations with regards to the terms of Great Britain’s mandate forPalestine” which included opposition “to Jews being given a privileged and pre-ponderatingposition visa-a-vis other sections of the population” which is a polite way ofexpressing opposition to the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

1923:The first financing by means of a bond issue for a city in Palestine wascompleted today when a loan 75,000 pounds was obtained for the city of Tel Avivthrough the sale in New York of six and half percent municipal bonds. Tel Aviv is described as atypical Americancity in point of construction and improvements planted in the heart of AsiaMinor.

1924:In Tel Aviv, agronomist Yecheil Weizmann and his wife Ida gave birth to EzerWeizmann the colorful RAF veteran who was one of the first to fly combatmission for the newly minted IAF in 1948 and capped off a career of publicservice by following in his Uncle Chaim Weismann’s footsteps by serving asPresident of Israel.

1925:Sir Herbert Samuel the first Jewish British High Commissioner in Palestineattended a farewell reception in his honor at Hebrew University on MountScopus. Colonel Fredrick H. Kish of the Zionist Executive in Jerusalem and TelAviv Mayor Meir Dizengoff expressed their regret over his departure. They also expressed gratitude for the effortsof Lady Samuel’s efforts.

1926:Birthdate of Pittsburgh native Herschell Gordon Lewis, the movie producer knownas “the Godfather of Gore.”

1927:“A farewell dinner for the delegates of the American Jewish Congress to theConference Of Jewish Rights at Zurich” was held tonight at the Hotel Baltimorewhere Dr. Stephen S. Wise gave the major address.

1928:Fritz Ernst Oppenheimer, the Berlin born son of Dr. jur. Ernst Oppenheimer andClara Amalie Oppenheimer and future Little Rock, AR resident and his wifeElizabeth Oppenheimer gave birth to Marfrit Enate Oppenheimer.

1928:The Zionist Executive in Jerusalem intervened to prevent the deportation offour Jewish immigrants. Unfortunately, they were not able to keep the Britishfrom deporting their family members. The National Council of Palestine Jewssent a letter to Lord Plumer, the High Commissioner, protesting thedeportations. The council reminded the High Commissioner that only 54 Jewishimmigrants had been admitted into the country during all of April, 1928.

1928:During an investigation of cemeteries and cemetery boards being conducted bythe Attorney General for the State of New York, representatives of the BaronHirsch Cemetery on Staten Island rebutted allegations of misconduct and abusethat had been previously presented by representatives of the Hebrew ReligiousProtective Association of Greater New York.

1929(7thof Sivan, 5689): Second Day of Shavuot and Shabbat

1929:The sound version of “Noah’s Ark” directed by Michael Curtiz was released inthe United States today.

1929:Birthdate of Orthopedic surgeon Leon Root, the author of No More Aching Back.

1930(20thof Sivan, 5690): Sixty-two-year-old Louis-Lucien Koltz, the founder of VieFranco-Russe, an illustrated paper and the French Minister of Finance at theend of World War I who negotiated the reparation payments from Germanyfollowing the war.

1930:“Flag Day…” published today described the Jewish origin of this Americanholiday.

1931(30thof Sivan, 5691): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1931:In Weehawken, NJ, homemaker Charlotte Silver and furrier Samuel Dreiwitz gavebirth to Martin Charles Dreiwtiz the conductor “who drew on his twin passionsfor travel and classical music to found the globe-trotting Long Island YouthOrchestra…” (As reported by Clay Risen)

1931:Italian Rabbi Riccardo Reuven Pacifici and his wife Wanda Abenaim, both of whomwould be murdered at Auschwitz in 1943 gave birth to their oldest childEmanuele in Rome.

1932:Seventy-one-year-old Edmund H. Hinshaw, theCongressman from Nebraska who in 1906 attended a mass meeting at Belasco’sTheatre in Washington, D.C which a protest against the atrocities begincommitted against the Jews of Russia. (Editor’s note – no explanation for hisattendance; certainly not courting the “Jewish vote” in his home district.)

1932: Birthdate of Kashan, Iran, native Davoud Alliance who gainedfame as British businessman David Alliance (Baron Alliance) ranked as one of the country’s richest people“with an estimated fortune of £3.1 billion” whose philanthropies and good worksincluded working to rescue the Jews of Ethiopia” and helping to finance theLiberal Democrat Party.

1932:In Omaha, Nebraska, William Hertzog Thompson and his wife gave birth to SusanThompson who as Susan Buffett, the wife of Warren Buffett, whose friendshipwith Dorothy Kripke the wife of Omaha Rabbi Myer S. Krippe led to a $70,000investment turning into almost 25 million dollars which went to aid a number ofworthwhile causes.

1933:Governor Herbert H. Lehman and Dr. John H. Finley received the first honorarydegrees to be conferred by Yeshiva College. Each was made a Doctor of HumaneLetters at the institution’s second commencement exercise.

1933: The Baltimore, MD City Council approved“resolutions protesting ‘discriminating decrees’ against Jews in Germany andasserting that body’s belief ‘in religious and racial tolerance’” that wereintroduced by E. Lester Muller, the council’s president were adopted today.

1933:Having earned her bachelor’s degree from Vassar in 1932, and master’s degreefrom Columbia in 1933, today Harriet Fleischl married “social service executiveRobert C. Pilpel” and became Harriet Pilpel the name under which she earned herJ.D. from Columbia and became a leading American lawyer who “participated in 27cases that came before the United States Supreme Court.”

1934:“Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New York today led a wave of objection to the adviceof Professor Henry J. Cadbury of Bryn Mawr College to the convention of theCentral Conference of American Rabbis.”

1935:In Budapest, Dr. Georg M. Hübsch and Magda Hübsch (née Klug) gave birth to“Canadian writer, poet and journalist” George Jonas author of Vengeancewhich inspired the movies “Sword of Gideon” and “Munich.”

1936: As Arab violence escalated, The Palestine Post reportedthat heavy firing marked an Arab attack on Ekron. Since there were only fourJewish defenders they sent up rockets to ask for assistance, but ultimatelyrepulsed the marauders. There were also Arab attacks on Migdal, Geshur, KfarSaba, Gan Yavne, Kfar Azor, Tel Mond, Tzofit and Givat Ada, Over 500three-year-old vines were uprooted at Rehovot and Givat Brenner. The JewishNational Fund planned to replace some 40,000 trees that have been burned sofar. Marine insurance premiums went up and some insurance companies refused tocover riot risks. Five Jews were injured in separate attacks on Egged buses.

1936: “Opposition to a World Jewish Congress” to be held “inGeneva in August” was “expressed in a statement issued” today “by a group ofleading Jews” including Professor Morris R. Cohen, Abram I. Elkus, attorneyJames N. Rosenberg, Rabbi Abram Simon of Washington, Rabbi Morris Newfield ofBirmingham, Rabbi David Philipson of Cincinnati and advertising executiveAlbert D. Lasker of Chicago.

1937: In the wake of anti-Jewish violence, “WelwelSzcezerbowski, a young Jew, went on trial today” in Poland “on a charge ofmurdering a policeman.”

1937(6th of Tammuz, 5697):Sixty-eight-year-old former city council member Morris Apt passed away today inPhiladelphia, PA.

1937: “President Roosevelt and Secretary of StateCordell Hull were asked today to used their good offices with Great Britain forthe purpose of maintain Palestine as a refuge and a home for Jews by adelegation of the Pro-Palestine Federal of America.”

1938:Throughout Germany, any Jew"previously convicted" of a crime (even a traffic offense) wasarrested.

1938:“Holiday,” a romantic comedy directed by George Cukor, with a screenplayco-authored by Sidney Buchman and featuring Binnie Barnes, was released in theUnited States today.

1939:Malcolm MacDonald, British Colonial Secretary, today outlined before the Leagueof Nations Mandates Commission the proposals for the future government ofPalestine contained in the recent British White Paper.

1939:At a meeting of the women's division of the American Jewish Congress in theTemple of Religion at the World's Fair Rabbi Louis I. Newman of Temple RodephSholom called upon the Jews to stand forth courageously against counsels ofdefeat in a time of persecution. Rabbi Newman made his appeal for courage inthe face of the tragedy of the liner St. Louis whose passengers had been turnedaway from Cuba and who would not find refuge in any western nation includingthe United States.

1939:A secret directive issued to the German High Command stated that deployment for"Operation White" (invasion of Poland) would be put into operation onAugust 20. Hitlerinvaded Poland in September 1939. The conventionalwisdom is that the invasion was made possible by the signing of thenon-aggression pact between the Nazis and the Soviets in the last week ofAugust. Apparently Hitler planned to invade Poland at a time when such anagreement was thought to be impossible.

1939:“World premiere” of “Land of Liberty” – a documentary written by Jesse Laseky,Jr. with music by Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II – “premiered at the NewYork World's Fair & Golden Gate International Exposition, San Francisco

1940:Today, New York Giants catcher Harry Danning “hit for the cycle in a gameagainst the Pittsburgh Pirates.”

1940:“An official of the German Foreign Ministry, and SS Sturmbannführer KarlBömelburg arrived in Paris today with orders to find Hershel Feibel Grynszpan.”

1940:Mordechai Rumkowski, Chairman of the Judenrat in Lodz, Poland, spoke to a largecrowd today in the Lodz Ghetto.

1941:“Professor Albert Einstein joined 1,200 persons today at dedication ceremoniesfor a 208-acre farm near” Hightstown, NJ “that has just been purchased by theHechalutz Organization of America, a Zionist group, to train young Jewish boysand girls for pioneer life in Palestine.”

1941Colonel Josiah C. Wedgwood, British M.P. and Professor Avigdor Aptowitzer whofor more than thirty years was a Professor of Talmud at the Jewish TheologicalSeminary in Vienna are scheduled to “receive the honorary degree of Doctor ofHebrew Letters at the commencement of the Jewish Institute of Religion thismorning where ”Dr. Abram L Sachar, the director of the B’nai B’rith HillelFoundations in American universities will speak on ‘New Challenges for JewishLeadership.’”

1942:Republican political leader Harvey L. Schwamm, who will enter the Army as amajor in the Transportation Service tomorrow “was a guest of honor tonight at adinner of the New York County Republican executive committee.

1942(30thof Sivan, 5702): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1942:Deportations of Jews from the Netherlands to Poland and Germany began today.Over the next 15 months, more than 100,000 Jews would be transported fromWesterbork to the various death camps in the East.

1942:Authorities in Riga, Latvia, request asecond gassing van.

1943:At the Janówska death pits at Lvov,Ukraine, hundreds of Jewish slave laborers are forced to exhume corpses ofJews, plunder them for jewelry and gold dental work, and then burn the corpsesto destroy evidence of the killings.

1943:Jaworzno concentration camp opens in the Auschwitz region. It contained twocrematoriums.

1944: A photo was taken today of a group of Jewsfrom Dunaszerdahely, Hungary, boarding the cattle car that will take them toAuschwitz

1944:U.S. premiere of “Man from Frisco,” a wartime spy film written by Arnold Manoffwho later be on the infamous Hollywood Blacklist

1944:The 1,684 “exempted Jews” selected by Reszoe (Rudolf) Kasztner, head of the Aidand Rescue Committee known as Va’adah leave Hungry by a special train thattakes them safely to Switzerland.

1945:“Conflict” “a film noir based on the story The Pentacle by AlfredNeumann and Robert Siodmak” directed by Curtis Bernhardt was released today inthe United States.

1945:Today Curt Burns, a Wehrmacht captain was executed as a war criminal “forhaving ordered the executions of two U.S. prisoners of war during the Battle ofthe Bulge after learning they were Ritchie Boys (German Jews)”

1945:Chaim Weizmann wrote to Churchill expressing his sense of shock and betrayalover the Prime Minister’s decision to continue to restrict Jewish entrance toPalestine based on the White Paper of 1939.Weizmann expresses his sense of betrayal since he Churchill had alwaysconveyed the impression that as soon as the war was over, he would abrogate theterms of the White Paper.

1946:In New York, today, the 300 delegates attending the first national conventionof the American Jewish Labor Council heard executive secretary Max Stein warn“that discrimination against Jews was increasing” and issue a call “for Federaland State Legislation that would outlaw anti-Semitism. (Editor’s note – forthose living in the 21st century this has an awfully familiarsound.)

1947:Today, “President Truman assured the 800 delegates to the sixtieth annualconvention of the Independent Order of B’rith Abraham of his determination toeverything in his power to reach a ‘just solution’ in Palestine” whichexpressing his “commiseration for displaced persons” terming them “innocentbystanders of war.”

1947:In light of a number of unexplained incidents in Palestine including “thebeatings of Jewish citizens in various parts of Jerusalem, “the disappearanceof 16 year old Alexander Rubowitch” and the bombing the Jewish Agency’s pressoffices, today, “Zionist bodies expressed the hope that the PalestineGovernment would ‘cleanse the security forces of any elements who may beresponsible for a number of mysterious crimes that have taken place of late.”

1948:Erwin Hiller, a “German born actor” who survived the Holocaust despite hisJewish ancestry unlike his older brother who was shipped to Theresienstdat“emigrated to the United States today where he eventually resumed his actingcareer under the name of Marcel Hillaire.

1949:While speaking at the Delmonico Hotel today, Mrs. William Prince, president ofthe Women’s League for Israel declared that “housing is the most acute problemin Israel” and that “the new home for young women Netanya which is to becompleted within ten months would accommodate 600 girls.

1949:The first season of Milton Berle’s Texaco Star Theatre that had begun inSeptember of the previous fall that was the product of such writers as “NatHiken, brothers Danny and Neil Simon, Leo Fuld and Aaron Ruben” came to an endtoday.

1949:In Philadelphia, the “eleventh national biennial convention of Pioneer Women”which began on the evening of June 11 and which “has been designated theFreedom Convention, dedicated to the independence of Israel” is scheduled tocome to an end today.

1949:“Britain to Discuss Middle East Policy” published today reported that “fittingIsrael into the pattern of British policy for the Middle East will be one ofthe problems discussed by British ministers and ambassadors in eight middleeastern countries who will attend a conference at the Foreign Office” inLondon” during the last week of July.”

1949:In New York City, Hinda (née Gould) and entrepreneur Richard L. Rosenthal, Sr.gave birth to Richard L. “Rick” Rosenthal, Jr. director of “Bad Boys.”

1950:In Jerusalem, Israel turned over the British pilot of a Jordanian airliner thathad been forced down when it flew across the Negev to members of the ArabLegion. Four Arab passengers from theplane that was flying from Amman to Cairo were also released. Charles Clinton Cloud, Jr., an Americanpassenger flew to Cyprus.

1950:Today, as the investigation that would lead to the execution of Julius andEthel Rosenberg for spying, “David Greenglass named Julius Rosenberg as the manwho recruited him to spy for the Soviet Union

1950:“With These Hands” an Academy Award nominee for Best Documentary Feature“produced by the International Ladies Union” that recreates the TriangleShirtwaist Factory Fire featuring Sam Levene and Joseph Wiseman was releasedtoday in the United States.

1951:“White Corridors” hospital movie produced by Joseph Janni was released today inthe United Kingdom.

1951:Today, American Orientalist William Popper, the husband of Tess Magnes, andbrother-in-law of Dr. Judah Magnes, who wrote his doctorial decision atColumbia under Dr. Richard Gottheil “was awarded an honorary degree of Doctorof Laws by the University of California in recognition of his achievements.”

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that Food ControlCommission took care of the sale and distribution of ice for domestic use inJerusalem.

1951: After forty performances at the Broadhurst Theatre, thecurtain came down on the original Broadway production of “Flahooley, a musicalwith a book by E. Y. Harburg and Fred Saidy, lyrics by Harburg, and music bySammy Fain.”

1951: “Three Steps North” directed and produced by W. Lee Wilderwas released in the United States today.

1951: In the Bronx, “Joseph Mlotek, the education director at theWorkmen's Circle, an American Jewish civic and cultural organization, and aneditor at the Yiddish Forward,” and Eleanor Chana Mlotek (née Gordon),anarchivist of Yiddish music, who, together with her husband, published threeYiddish songbooks” gave birth “Zalmen Mlotek, “the conductor, pianist, musicalarranger, accompanist, composer, and the Artistic Director of the NationalYiddish Theatre Folksbiene.”

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel had demandedthat the UN Security Council should consider Egypt's refusal to allow shipsengaged in trade with Israel to pass through the Suez Canal

1951: The Israeli government announced today that an Israelisoldier had been killed when he encountered Jordanian forces that had crossedthe border.

1952: Today, the Israeli Foreign Ministry published the text of anote it addressed to the Czechoslovak Foreign Minister on June 11 concerningthe arrest of Mordechai Oren, an Israeli citizen who is a leading member of theMapam Party. The Israelis demanded thata member of the Israeli Legations be allowed to visit Oren and be with him ashe worked his way through the Czech justice system. The Israelis believe that Oren was arrestedas part of a plot to portray Rudolf Slansky, the former Deputy Premier, who isbeing held in prison as being a Zionist, something which was an anathema inCommunist Czechoslovakia.

1952: “The first housing project specifically for immigrants fromthe United States and Canada was launched today when ground was broken for tenhouses a Kfar Haroeh, a village midway between Tel Aviv and Haifa…The villagewhich is being built on land donated by the JNF is only twenty minutes, by carfrom Natanya and Hadera two towns where the immigrants can go for jobs andwestern style entertainment.

1952(22nd of Sivan, 5712): Forty-four-year-oldChristine Granville, the Polish born daughter of a Catholic Count and anassimilated Jewish mother who worked for the British Special OperationsExecutive (SOE) in occupied Poland and France passed away today.

1953(2nd of Tammuz, 5713): Sixty-year-old New York bornand Columbia graduated and JTS ordained Rabbi Dr. Joseph Saracheck “the formerpresident of the New York Board ofJewish Ministers and chaplain at the Tombs” who was the husband of MarySaracheck and the father of Julian Saracheck passed away today.

1953: It was reported today that Senator Paul Douglas, Democratfrom Illinois who had taught at the University of Chicago before WW II, was thekeynote speaker at the commencement exercises of Brandeis University inWaltham, MA.

1954: Ruth Ann and Daniel Edelman gave birth to Richard Edelmanwho would become President and CEO of the public relations firm Edelman thatwas founded by his father.

1956: Birthdate of New York native Marc Siegel, the doctor whoserves as a medical and political commentator on FOX.

1957(16th of Sivan, 5717): Parashat Sh’lach

1957(16th of Sivan, 5717): Eighty-seven-year-oldColumbia Law School graduate and investment banker Louis F. Rothschild, the NewYork born son of Frank and Amanda (Blum) Rothschild, the husband of CoraGuggenheim with whom he had three children – Louis, Muriel and Gwendolyn – andthe son-in-law of Meyer Guggehiem, who was “a member of the NYSE and thefounder of L.F. Rothschild, passed away today.

1958: At the Roof Garden of the Pierre Hotel, Rabbi Nathan A.Perliman of Temple Emanu-El officiated at the wedding of Harriet Anne Zuckermanand Columbia University trained industrial engineer Arthur A. Greenberg.

1960: “The Apartment” a Billy Wilder production that wasco-written by I.A.L. Diamond was released for showing to the movie going publictoday.

1961(1st of Tammuz, 5721): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1961(1st of Tammuz, 5721): Fifty-five-year-oldPolish born University of Warsaw graduate Yekhiel Ben Tsiyon (Jechiel Bencion) Katz, theauthor and educator who worked with orphans and at-risk youth and who had made Aliyahin 1922 passed away today in Tel Aviv.,%20Yekhiel%20Ben%20Tsiyon%20(Jechiel%20Bencion)%20(July%207,%201905%E2%80%93June%2015,%201961)

1961: Rabbi David J. Bleich married Professor Judith Ochs today.

1961: In performances that were hailed as "good qualitydirected with great intelligence," "admirable for subtleexpressiveness and intelligent composure," and "exceptional,"the off-Broadway Living Theatre troupe made its European debut in Rome. By thetime of the Living Theatre's European tour, co-directors Judith Malina andJulian Beck had been directing off-Broadway plays for over a decade.

1963: After 1,443 performances the curtain came down on theoriginal Broadway production of Roger and Hammerstein’s “The Sound of Music.”

1964: ‘IESC's(International Executive Service Corps) first boardmeeting took place today in Washington D.C. and included American businessleaders Sol M. Linowitz, chairman of Xerox Corporation and William S. Paley,chairman of CBS.”

1964: U.S. premiere of Rod Serling’s “The Yellow Canary” featuringJack Klugman as “Lt. Bonner,” Harold Gould as “Ponelli” and Milton Selzer as“Vecchio.”

1965(15th of Sivan, 5725): Sixty-three-year-oldGalician born “American Assyriolpgist” Ephraim Avigodor Speiser, the holder ofPhD from Dropsie College and husband of “Sue Gimbel Dannenbaum” thegranddaughter of Charles Gimbel, one of the founders of Gimbel’s DepartmentStory who taught Semitics at Penn, served with the OSS in WW II and led theexcavation of Tepe Gawra, an ancient settlement near Ninveh, passed away today.

1966: Simon and Garfunkel recorded “The Big Bright Green PleasureMachine today as cut five on side one of the album “Parsley, Sage, Rosemary andThyme.”

1966(27th of Sivan, 5726): Eighty-one-year-old Yaleeducated biochemist Israel Simon Kleiner, the grandson of German Jewishimmigrants Eva Meyer and Israel Kleiner and “the recipient of the third annual Van Slyke award in ClinicalChemistry, at the New York Academy of Sciences” “whose work helped lead to the discoveryof insulin” passed away today after which he “was buried near his grandparentsat the Congregation Mishkan Israel cemetery, in New Haven, Connecticut.”

1967(7th of Sivan, 5727): Second Day of Shavuot

1967: Argentine born Israeli pianist and conductor DanielBarenboim married British cellist Jacqueline du Pré who had converted toJudaism at a Western Wall ceremony.

1967: After “608 performances and 10 previews” the curtain camedown on the original Broadway production of “Sweet Chairty,” with music by CyColeman, lyrics by Dorothy Fields and the book by Neil Simon.

1967: “The Dirty Dozen” a WW II classic film based on a novel ofthe same name by Erwin “Mick” Nathanson was released in the United Statestoday.

1968(19th of Sivan, 5728): Parashat Beha’alotcha

1968: After “220 performances and 19 previews” the curtain camedown on the original Broadway production of “How Now Dow Jones” with music byElmer Bernstein, lyrics by Carolyn Leigh and the book by Max Shulman.

1970: Eleven Soviet citizens, nine of them Jews, tried to hijack aSoviet airplane so they could be flown out of the country. The plot was foiled before the plane took offand two of the Jews were sentenced to death for their part in the attempt. Due in no small part to protests from Jewishcommunities around the world, the sentences were commuted to 15 years at hardlabor. The hijacking focused attentionon the plight of Soviet Jews seeking to escape from the U.S.S.R. This was a major step forward in what becamethe campaign to “Free Soviet Jews.”

1970: “The Strawberry Statement” produced by Robert Chartoff andIrwin Winkler and with a script co-authored by Israel Horovitz was released inthe United States today.

1971: U.S. premiere of “Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is HeSaying Those Terrible Things About Me?” a comedy directed by Ulu Grosband whoalso co-produced and co-authored the scripts, starring Dustin Hoffman withmusic by Shel Silverstein

1971(22nd of Sivan, 5731): Ninety-three-year-old Russianborn Rose Schless Pressman, the wife of Peter Pressman whom she married in 1900and the mother of WW II veteran and Deputy District Attorney for the County ofLos Angles Harold Oscar Pressman and Dr. Joel Jay Pressman passed away today inLos Angeles after which she was buried at Hollywood Forever in Hollywood, CA.

1974: “On the 4th anniversary of the Leningrad hijack attempt 34Leningrad activists launch a 48 hour hunger strike in solidarity with JewishPrisoners of Conscience. Jewish prisoners in Potma and Perm labor camps alsostage hunger strike on this anniversary.”

1975(6th of Tammuz, 5735): At Kfar Yuval, “terroristsseize farmhouse, killing 1 person, injuring 6, and taking family hostage;Israeli soldiers storm farmhouse and kill all four terrorists plus 1 hostage.”

1975(6th of Tammuz, 5735): Three were killed andanother five were injured when terrorists fired three rockets into Nahariya.

1975: In the Soviet Union, Refusniks and Activists in severalcities held a hunger strike to protest the sixth anniversary of the beginningof mass arrests in 1970

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported that in Washington the USSecretary of State Henry Kissinger and Israeli Ambassador Simcha Dinitzconcurred that Syria's growing military involvement in Lebanon posed noimmediate threat to Israel. The Syrian forces in Lebanon were seen as holdingback instead of trying to crush the PLO and its leftist allies.

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported that ore Lebanese hadbeen given Israeli first aid at Metulla.

1976: A production of “The Seven Deadly Sins,” “a satirical balletcomposed by Kurt Weil” was performed today.

1977: Fifty-two-year-old former Dutch journalist Willem Poalkwhose parents were murdered by the Nazis during the “German occupation of theNetherlands” became mayor of Amsterdam today.

1977: For days after he passed away, funeral services arescheduled to be held today for 38 year old Cornell University of EnglishProfessor and author of The Meaning of Hamlet, Paul A. Gottschalk, the husbandof Katherine Gottschalk and the some of Fruma Gottschalk.

1977: U.S. premiere of “A Bridge Too Far” produced by Joseph ELevine and Richard P. Levine with a screenplay by William Goldman and cameoappearance by Elliot Gould.

1978(10th of Sivan, 5738): Eighty-two-year-old Ukrainenative Joseph K. Alliger who in 1898 came to the United States where he becamea “real-estate man and mortgage-investment” banker who was active in the UJA,JNF and HIAS while raising his “two son Martin and Howard” with “his wife, theformer Gladys Scheirer” passed away today.

1978: A Broadway revival of “Once in a Lifetime” the first play onwhich Moss Hartman and George S. Kaufman collaborated opened at the CircleTheatre.

1979: “The In-Laws” a comedy directed and co-produced by ArthurHiller, written by Arthur Bergman and co-starring Peter Falk and Alan Arkin wasreleased in the United States today.

1979:” Butch and Sundance: The Early Days” a western about twooutlaws produced by William Goldman and featuring Elya Baskin was released inthe United States today.

1980: “About 90 American Jews, some of them prominent, issued astatement aligning themselves with the Peace Now movement in Israel, whichopposes the Government's policy of establishing further Jewish settlements inthe occupied West Bank territory.”

1982: “The Soldier” an action film directed, produced and writtenby James Glickenhaus was released in the United States today.

1983: During season five, NBC broadcast the final episode of“Taxi” a sit com created by James Brooks, Stan Daniels and Ed. Weinbergerstarring Judd Hirsch.

1984(15th of Sivan, 5744): Seventy-eight-year-old character actorNed Glass, born Nusyn Glass in Poland, passed away today.

1985: Twenty-three year old U.S. Navy Seabee diver was murderedtoday by Hezbollah terrorists who had hijacked TWA Flight 847.

1987: An exhibition entitled ''Daughters of the Pale,''documenting in words and photographs the experiences of daughters of Jewishimmigrant opened in London.

1987: An exhibition entitled ''East End Synagogues: From theShtiebel to Duke's Place’’ opened at the Heritage Center in London.

1989: In “Jews and Geniuses: An Exchange” Robert F. Taruskinpublished today responds to Robert Craft’s “Jews and Geniuses published inFebruary.

1990: After five years in office, Abraham David Sofaer completedhis servce as Legal Adviser of the Department of State.

1992: The Fifth International Convention of Studies of “ItaliaJudaica” opened in Palermo.

1992: Best-selling instrumental musician Kenny G (Kenneth Bruce Gorelick) married Lyndie – a unionthat would produce two sons before ending in divorce in 2012

1993: In Baghdad, Iraq, Eiahu and Naima Carmel gave birth to MosheCarmelia the Albert Einstein Professor of Theoretical Physics at Ben GurionUniversity and the Preside of the Israel Physical Society.

1994:Israel and the Vatican established full diplomatic relations.

1994:“The Lion King” with music for which Hans Zimmer would receive two GrammyAwards and which was directed by Rob Minkoff was released in the United Statestoday.

1996:Judge Burkhardt Stein from Tübingen County Court ordered the confiscation andincineration of all books Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte and the destruction ofall means for manufacturing them. The book was written by holocaust denier andanti-Semite Ernst Gauss.

1997: The New York Times featured reviews of books byJewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including ThePuttermesser Papers by Cynthia Ozick, Steven Spielberg: A Biographyby Joseph McBride and Steven Spielberg: The Unauthorized Biography byJohn Baxter

2000: The United Nations is continuing work on verifying thatIsrael had withdrawn all of its forces from southern Lebanon.

2001: Harvard trained jurist Michael Boudin becameChief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit today.

2001: Today marked the first full day of yet anotherIsraeli-Palestinian cease-fire.

2002: “After 109 performances and 18 previews at the Martin BeckTheatre” the curtain came down on the original Broadway production of MarvinHamlisch’s “Sweet Smell of Success” the musical version of Sweet Smell ofSuccess co-authored by Clifford Odets and Ernest Lehman that was based onWalter Winchell-like character.

2003: “After a week of ferocious bloodshed, Israel and thePalestinians held top-level security talks into the early hours of this morningin a bid to calm the region and salvage an international peace plan.” (Asreported by Greg Myre)

2004 It was reported today that Palestinians have criticized, andAmerican officials have objected to Israel’s plans “to build new segments ofits barrier around Ariel and other Jewish settlements that are more than 10miles inside the West Bank

2005: In words that would come back to haunt them it was reportedtoday that “analysts Lehman Brothers “for its strong performance in spite of aweaker bond trading environment.”

2006: Yakov Kreizberg made his “last appearance with the” LondonSymphony Orchestra “at the Barbican … when he performed Ludwig van Beethoven'sPiano Concerto no. 5 with Stephen Hough, and Dmitri Shostakovich's Symphony no.11

2006: “The exhibition ‘Jules Fieffer: If You Really Love Me, You’dFind Me” opened at the Adam Baumgold Gallery.

2007: The Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam opens anexhibition on the life and work of famous French actress Sarah Bernhardt whowas the first international superstar.

2007: The 46th Hebrew Book Week comes to a close.

2007(29th of Sivan, 5767): Claudia Cohen, a high-profile gossip reporter fortelevision and newspapers who was a frequent subject of the gossip columnsherself, partly because of her marriage to, and remunerative divorce from, thebillionaire businessman Ronald O. Perelman, died today in Manhattan. She was 56and had homes in Manhattan and Easthampton, N.Y. The cause was ovarian cancer,said Chris Taylor, a spokeswoman for Mr. Perelman. Ms. Cohen was known for heraggressive pursuit of celebrity news and her ability to handicap the AcademyAwards. She first came to public attention in the late 1970s as a reporter andeditor for Page Six, the well-thumbed column of The New York Post. In the early’80s, she wrote a gossip column, “I, Claudia,” for The Daily News of New York.In recent years, Ms. Cohen was a regular correspondent, covering entertainment,for the syndicated talk show “Live With Regis and Kelly” and its predecessor,“Live With Regis and Kathie Lee.” She was previously an entertainment reporterfor “The Morning Show” on WABC-TV. Claudia Lynn Cohen was born in Englewood,N.J. Her father, Robert, was president of the Hudson County News Company, amajor distributor of newspapers and magazines. Ms. Cohen earned a bachelor’sdegree in communications from the University of Pennsylvania in 1972 andafterward was on the staff of More, a progressive journalism review. Shejoined Page Six as a reporter in 1977, serving as its editor from 1978 to 1980.

In 1985, with her marriageto Mr. Perelman, now the chairman of Revlon, Ms. Cohen became a boldface nameherself. (Their union was Ms. Cohen’s only marriage; she was Mr. Perelman’ssecond wife of four.) The couple were frequent guests at glittering parties andcharity events in New York and the Hamptons, and Ms. Cohen was considered acrucial person to know if anybody who was somebody wanted to become even moreof a somebody. The public scrutiny of Ms. Cohen’s private life only intensifiedwith her divorce from Mr. Perelman in 1994. As was widely reported, she receivedan out-of-court settlement of $80 million. After her divorce from Mr. Perelman,Ms. Cohen, a Democrat, was romantically involved for about a year with SenatorAlfonse M. D’Amato, Republican of New York. In early 1995, at the start of therelationship, Senator D’Amato called a press conference to announce that he wasin love. He was, according to news reports at the time, the first senator inthe history of the United States to do so. (As reported by Margalit Fox.)

2008: The Sunday New YorkTimes book sections features reviews of Cecil B. DeMille: A Life in Art by SimonLouvish and Audition: A Memoir,the autobiography of BarbaraWalters. How “Jewish” is the movie maker whose father is lay leader in theEpiscopal Church and whose mother is a Sephardic Jew who converted? How Jewish is a television personality whoseparents were both Jewish but who observed no Jewish ritual growing up and loveshaving a Christmas tree in her home?

2008: The Washington Post features books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including America Aged: How Pension Debts Ruined General Motors,Stopped the NYC Subways, Bankrupted San Diego, and Loom as the Next FinancialCrisis by Roger Lowenstein

2008: Stephan Grayek, one of the last survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto uprisingwho passed away at the age of 92 was buried at the Herzliya Cemetery today. Heis survived by his daughter, Ora, his son, Yitzhak, grandchildren and a greatgranddaughter. During the Nazi era Grayek took advantage of his Aryan featuresto move with relative ease in and out of the ghetto, fighting against the Naziswith both Jews and Poles. Grayek's wartime exploits were recorded in his book,“Shelosha Yemin Krav” (“Three Days of Battle”). Eli Zborowski, chairman of the American andInternational Societies for Yad Vashem and vice president of the WorldFederation of Polish Jews, wrote in a condolence notice in the Hebrew pressthat he had lost his mentor and close friend. He referred to Grayek as the"commander and hero of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and worldwide leader ofHolocaust survivors." Grayek, who was the founder of the WorldOrganization of Partisans, Underground Fighters, Ghetto Rebels and Camp Inmates- the first body to focus public attention on the needs of Holocaust survivors- swore in 1943 to fight anti-Semitism for as long as he lived. He frequentlyled groups of Holocaust survivors accompanied by the children and grandchildrenof survivors on journeys of memory in Poland. For many years he lobbiedtirelessly for a Jewish museum pavilion in Auschwitz and against theestablishment of a Catholic convent there. He declared in 1989 that no conventwould go up in the largest Jewish graveyard in the world. In a Jerusalem Postinterview 20 years ago, Grayek was asked why he had not experienced thetrauma so common among many Holocaust survivors. He answered: "Perhaps,because like other people in the resistance, I fought back."

2008: The Jewish Film Festival inCroatia comes to an end having screened more than 20 films for 2,500 attendees.

2009: Defense Minister Ehud Barakreportedly told French officials in Paris today that the Israel has “a secretaccord” with the United States to maintain “natural growth” of settlements inthe West Bank.

2009: Israeli artist Irit Zohar, whosework has been exhibited at the Tel-Aviv Museum (Meirovich section) andcountless other galleries, debuts in America at the Historic Sixth and “I”Street Synagogue with Painting in Action, a series of large, powerful,energetic works deeply influenced by her spirituality.

2010: Mark Russ Federman (Herring Maven Emeritus) is scheduled to his shareherring tales at the Russ & Daughters Herring Pairing at New York’s Astor,an event designed to celebrate the New Catch Holland Herring and the wonders ofmany different herrings

2010 “The Biennial Scholars' Conferenceon American Jewish History,” a meeting organized by the Academic Council of theAmerican Jewish Historical Society, which will examine the notion of AmericanJewish "exceptionalism," or uniqueness, the has shaped conceptions of American Jewishhistory from its beginning is scheduled to open in New York City.

2010(3rd of Tammuz, 5770): Ninety-two-year-oldIda Weiner the widow of Manfred Swarsensky who served as Rabbi Temple Beth Elin Madison, Wisconsin for thirty-six years, passed away two.

2011: The Leo Baeck Institute isscheduled to present a program entitled “Mahler & Radical Departures”,featuring the works of Mahler, Korngold and Schoenberg, three composers who area representative of “German and Austrian musicians of Jewish descent whoarrived in this country and transformed the American musical landscape.” Theworks of German-Jewish composer Mauricio Kagel are also scheduled to beperformed.

2011: THEBIG JEWCY, sponsored by, is scheduled to take place in Brooklyn, NewYork.

2011: Atthe Jewish Museum of Milwaukee, archivist Jay Hyland is scheduled to present aprogram entitled ‘Archival Exploration: WWII Edition' that will provide afirst-hand look at artifacts and documents from the JMM's collection connectedwith WWII. This program is a 'teaser' for the 'WWII Historical EncampmentReenactment' scheduled to be later this month.

2011: AUsed Book Sale is scheduled to begin today in San Diego, CA, to benefit the Samuel &Rebecca Astor Judaica Library.

2011: The new Israeli Ambassador to theUnited Nations, Ron Prosor, started work today, taking over for Meron Reuben,who had held the post on an interim basis since last year’s departure ofGabriella Shalev.

2012: InWashington, DC, The Hadassah Attorney’s Council is scheduled to host a luncheonevent where Judith Barnet “will speak with us about her decades of experienceassisting companies to grow their business in the Middle Eastern and NorthAfrican marketplace.”

2012:Funeral services are scheduled to take place this morning for Rabbi StanleyRabinowitz who was the spiritual leader of Adas Israel for over a quarter of acentury. While much has been writtenabout his stature as a “Washington Rabbi” for us he was simply the Rabbi. Rabbi Rabinowitz arrived in the summer of1960. My father had been on the searchcommittee that brought him from Minneapolis.My brother was his first Bar Mitzvah.That Shabbat Nachamu service may have been Rabbi Rabinoiwtiz’s first Saturdaymorning service. I was in the firstnewly instituted post-Confirmation class which he taught. I remember him trying to explain to a groupof adolescents what a Reconstructionist Jew was. It wasn’t about ritual; he wanted us to seethat it was about the poetry of the soul.[Excuse the personal comments, but history is a story and even for the greatand near-great it is still a story about individual persons.]

2012:Rabbi Ariel Stone the spiritual leader of Portland, Oregon’s Shir Tikvah,author of Because All Is One and the daughter-in-law of Cedar Rapidscommunity leader Joan Thaler, is scheduled to deliver the sermon at TempleJudah this evening.

2012: UziArad, who served as the head of the National Security Council during the 2010Mavi Marmara incident, slammed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and hisgovernment for carrying out "sloppy work" in preparation for theflotilla to Gaza. Arad, speaking during a panel discussion in Tel Aviv today,made the comments two days after State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrausscriticized the government's decision-making process in dealing with theflotilla in his report on the incident.

2012: InLos Angeles, Langer’s Deli began a celebration of its 65thanniversary by giving away its signature pastrami sandwich which normally sellsfor $15.20 for free.

2012: Inan interview given today Irving Stern gave “his perspective as mayor of SaintLouis Park and Minnesota state senator on local politics, commercial andresidential development, and Jewish issues during his years in public service.”

2012:“That’s My Boy” a comedy produced by Adam Sander who co-starred along with AndySamberg was released today in the United States.

2013: TheJerusalem Piano Duo – Shir Semel and Dror Semel – is scheduled to perform atthe Eden-Tamir Music Center.

2013: InCoralville, Iowa, Agudas Achim is scheduled to honor outgoing religious schoolprincipal Kineret Zabnert with a special Kiddush Luncheon following ShabbatMoring Services led by Rabbi Jeff Portman.

2013:“Ameer Got His Gun” and “Dr. Pomerantz” are among the films scheduled to beshown today at “Seret 2013” – The London Israeli Film & TelevisionFestival.

2013: Worshipers who came to a Bat Yamsynagogue for Shabbat services this morning were stunned to see crossesspray-painted on the doors of the prayer house. Police were investigating theincident.

2013:Unidentified assailants brokeinto an IDF base in northern Israel this morning, injuring a soldier andstealing his rifle. The assailants managed to enter the Naftali base, nearGolani Junction, after tying up the soldier on guard duty. They then ran awaywith his rifle.”

2013:MIT’s Shafi Goldwasser was a co-winner of the Alan M. Turning Award.

2013(7thof Tammuz, 5773): Eighty-seven-year-old Paul Soros, the brother of George Sorospassed away today. (As reported by Robert D. Hershey, Jr)

2014: Arelease today from Gaylen Ross announced that “for the first time thecritically acclaimed documentary Killing Kasztner will be available as aspecial 2 DVD Edition as of June 30th which will coincide with the 70thanniversary of the departure of Kasztner’s dramatic rescue train from wartimeBudapest.

2014: Jean-François Copé is scheduledto complete his term of office as President of the Union for a Popular Movement(UMP)

2014: TheCenter for Jewish History is scheduled to present “Centuries of Surnames: WhatNames Can Tell Us,” a presentation by Jeffrey S. Malka who is an authority onSephardic last names.

2014: The New York Times featured reviews ofbooks by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including AReplacement Life by Boris Fishman, The Impossible Exile: Stefan Zweig at the End of theWorld by George Prochnik and The Myth ofthe Spoiled Child: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom About Children andParenting by Alfie Kohn

2014: IDF and security forces continue tosearch for the 3 kidnapped Israeli boys; a search which has included the arrestof several Hamas leaders.

2014: Arabs pelted Jews who returning from aprayer service at the Kotal with rocks which only stopped when authoritiesarrived.

2014(17th of Sivan, 5774): Eighty-year-oldMoise Yacoub Safra the Beirut native who “co-founded Banco Safra with hisbrothers Edmond Safra and Joseph Safra” passed away today at São Paulo, Brazil.

2014: “Four rockets were fired by Palestiniansin the Gaza Strip at the southern city of Ashkelon.”

2014: “Palestinian gunmen opened fire atIsraeli security personnel at a military checkpoint near the West Bank city ofBethlehem, south of Jerusalem, tonight.

2015: The Center for Holocaust and GenocideEducation at the University of Northern Iowa in cooperation with the UnitedStates Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to present “Teaching theHolocaust Today Why and How” at Grandview University in Des Moines, IA.

2015: “The Kishka Monologues” and “When BloodRan Red” are scheduled to be seen at the Kulturfest, the first-everinternational festival of Jewish performing arts, celebrating the global impactof Jewish culture. Presented by National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene

2015: “Righteous Rebel: Rabbi Avi Weiss” and “ATale of a Woman and a Robe” are scheduled to be shown at the JCC Manhattan.

2016: For the first time ever, “Russ &Daughters” is scheduled to “have kosher New Catch Holland Herring for sale atthe Jewish Museum” in New York City.

2016: The 17th annual WashingtonJewish Music Festival is scheduled to come to an end.

2016: The Eden-Tamir Music center is scheduledto host the Achinoam Keisar Piano Recital.

2016: “Midnight Orchestra” is scheduled to beshown on the opening night of the 24th Portland, Oregon, Jewish FilmFestival.

2016: As part of its exploration of Gravity,the Chelsea Music Festival is scheduled to present a program celebrating AlbertEinstein’s contributions to science as well as his lifelong love for his violinand chamber music.

2016: The National Yiddish Theatre Folksbieneand Museum of Jewish Heritage are scheduled to present Yiddish Soul at CentralPark Summer Stage starring The Maccabeats, Benny Friedman, Netanel Hershtik,Yanky Lemmer, Joseph Malovany, Lipa Shmeltzer, and Zusha

2017: The CHYE Crown Heights YoungEntrepreneurs is scheduled to sponsor an evening of “Sushi and Study.”

2017: Today, “Rabbis at B’nai Jeshurun, aninfluential nondenominational synagogue in New York City, announced at thesynagogue’s annual meeting” that they “will officiate at the weddings ofinterfaith couples who commit to creating Jewish homes and raising Jewishchildren.” (JTA)

2017: Today Damascus Joey Allaham who gainedfame as the owner of high-end Kosher restaurant in New York “retroactivelyregistered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for Qatar.”

2017: “Brad Sabin Hill, former Fellow in HebrewBibliography, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies” is scheduled tospeak on “Oxford and the Printing of Judeo-Arabic” which is being presented inconjunction with the exhibition 500 Years of Treasures from Oxford.”

2018: Stan Yaroslavsky is scheduled to appearat Pergamon in Jerusalem

2018: In New Orleans, Temple Sinai is scheduled“to host Mayor LaToya Cantrell at r Shabbat services and the Oneg that follows.

2018: In London, JW3 is scheduled to host thefirst screening of “Studio 54,” a documentary about the venue “which wasco-founded by two Jewish friends from Brooklyn, Ian Schrader and Steve Rubell.”

2019: In San Francisco, Benjamin Haims isscheduled to be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah at Congregation Emanu-El.

2019: A week in which the United States Senateunanimously approved a resolution condemning ant-Semitism while preparing topass the National Defense Authorization Act which includes a statementindirectly expressing concerns that the Port of Haifa which is often used bythe Sixth Fleet will be operated for twenty-five years starting in 2021 by theShanghai International Port Group comes to an end hopefully without any morerocket attacks from Gaza.

2019: It was reported that NBA Champion TorontoRaptors co-owned by Larry Tanenbaum will be making a visit to Israel.

2019(12th of Sivan, 5779): Parsahat Nasso.

2019(12th of Sivan, 5779): Forty-two-year-oldYale University trained attorney Charles Alan Reich

Manhattan born son of , hematologist Carl Reichand school administrator Eleanor (Lesinsky) Reich and the author of TheGreening of America, assed away today.(As reported by Sam Roberts)

In Manhattan, hematologist Carl Reich andschool administrator Eleanor (Lesinsky) Reich gave birth to Yale Universitytrained attorney Charles Alan Reich the author of The Greening of America. (Asreported by Sam Roberts)

2021: In New Orleans, the Leventhal Center isscheduled to sponsor a life cycle event in which Cantor Lucy Fishbein andDeacon Debbie Scalia discuss wedding customs and answer questions that show howsimilar “our traditions really are.

2020: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center isscheduled to host a virtual conversation with Deborah Feldman, the author of Unorthodoxand Shira Haas who was “Esty” in the Netflix series “Unorthodox.”

2020: The London School of Jewish Studies isscheduled to host a session on “The Meaning of Life: Is it All Pointless?” with Rabbi Dr. Michael Harris and Dr.Tamra Wright

2020: In Cedar Rapids, IA, a moment of greatsadness as funeral services are scheduled to be held for Andrew Nelson, thehusband of Melissa Gasway Nelson, the daughter of Julie and Scott Gasway andgranddaughter of Bill and Harriet Gasway, all staunch members of this small butvibrant Jewish community.

2021: In New Jersey, The Jewish Heritage Museumof Monmouth County is scheduled to re-open to the public today by APPOINTMENTONLY!” with the additional requirements that everyone entering the facilitymust wear a mask and must be fully vaccinated.

2021: The Center for Adult Jewish Learning atTemple Israel is scheduled to present “Baking Bread Across the Diaspora” with“culinary historian and all-around bread lover,” Sara Gardner.

2021: The Temple Emanu-El Striecker Center isscheduled to host a conversation with long-time police professional BillBratton who “served as Commissioner of the Boston Police Department, Chief ofthe Los Angeles Police Department, and two terms as New York City PoliceCommissioner” and former U.S. Attorney, Preet Bharara.

2021: The London School of Jewish Studies isscheduled to host the return of Rabbi Barry Kleinberg as he continues his“popular series exploring important works of writing which changed the way weobserve Jewish law.”

2021: The 9th annual Israel FilmFestival is scheduled to begin at the JCC Manhattan.

2021: The Illinois Holocaust Museum isscheduled to host a discussion of We Were Strangers, “the true story ofMagda Preiss which is a breathtaking masterpiece of Holocaust literature,composed in her own words upon arriving in America in the 1940s.”

2021: Based on an agreement reached last weekbetween Netanyahua and Gantz, the Jerusalem flag march is scheduled to takeplace today.

2021: As part of its “Summer Survivor SpeakerSeries, the Dallas Holocuast and Human Rights Museum is scheduled to host atalk by Roisan Zerner, a survivor of the Kovno Ghetto

2021: The YIVO Institute is scheduled topresent “The Lost World of African American Cantors, 1915-1953: with HenrySapoznik.

2022: The Weitzman National of America JewishHistory is scheduled to co-host a screening of“La Nona Kanta” a tale of survival and courage in which films ofinterviews of Flory Jagoda (z”l) tells the true story of how music helped herescape from Nazi-occupied Yugoslavia when she was a teenager; how she made alife in the United States; and how she turned the tragic fate of her family andBalkan Sephardic culture into a celebration of five centuries of faith andtradition, giving meaning to the rest of her life, and delighting audiencesworldwide.

2022: Tel Aviv University (TAU) Trust isscheduled to host its signature event, Night at the Movies, where Golden Globeaward winner and TAU Steve Tisch School of Film and Television alum Hagai Leviwill share his insight into Israel’s many cinema and television triumphs,including his own recent hit Scenes from a Marriage starring Jessica Chastainand Oscar Isaac.

2022: As part of its second annual celebrationof the national holiday Juneteenth, the ADL is scheduled to host PulitzerPrize-winning author and Harvard Professor Annette Gordon Reed author of OnJuneteenth.22

2023: In Coralville, the Agudas AchimSeniors Chavurah will feature a a conversation with Iowa Senator Janice Weinerand Iowa Representative Adam Zabner, both members of Agudas Achim Congregation.

2023: In New Orleans, the JewishCommunity Center is scheduled to host its board meeting.

2023: UK Jewish Film is scheduled tohost a screening of “A Sense of Belonging, “ “plus a recorded discussion withdirector Paul Morrison, writer Howard Cooper, screenwriter David Schneider, andProfessor Nathan Abrams.”

2023: YIVO is scheduled to present apanel moderated by Kalman Weiser and featuring Naomi Seidman, Kenneth Moss, andJeffrey Shandler, that will examine Max Weinreich's evolving understanding ofthe meaning of Yidishe visnshaft (Yiddish studies) and the role of Yiddish inJewish life throughout his career.

2023: Lockdown University isscheduled to host a webinar with Trudy Gold lecturing on “Philosemitism andProto-Zionism in Britain.”

2023: Closing arguments are scheduledto begin today in the case of Robert Bowerswho is on trial for the murder of 11 Jewish worshippers at the Tree of LifeSynagogue in Pittsburgh, PA.

2024(9th of Sivan, 5784): ParashatNaso; for more see

2024: Beit Agnon is scheduled to host a readingof S.Y. Agnon's autobiographical story "The Sign" describes hisreaction to the news of the destruction of his hometown of Butschatsch by theGermans on the eve of Shavuot in 1943 followed by a discussion of “the conflictbetween the desire to remember and the desire to forget, examine the tensionbetween the individual and the national, and wonder about the possibility ofhealing from trauma” led by Uri Greenspun.

2024: The Eden Tamir Center is scheduled tohost a concert featuring violinists Yevgenia Pikovsky, Asaf Maoz; violist DmitriRatush, cellist Felix Nemirovsky and percussionist Tomer Yariv.

2024: As June 15th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave ofanti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengerson a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and theHamas held hostages begin day 253 in captivity.(Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so weare just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)

This Day, June 15, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)


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